She was forced to do an exam right after giving birth, still bleeding and under anesthesia

Carmen Truyols is an anesthesiologist who lives in the Community of Madrid and has just been the mother of a child. For some time I had been preparing an opposition exam to be able to access one of the 45 fixed places in Madrid, but by chance of life, the day under review, on November 26, went into labor.

Just give birth to your baby at the Gregorio Marañón Hospital in Madrid, she was sutured, probed, taught her baby and then taken to an isolated classroom inside the hospital to take the exam "despite not having slept, not being able to move her legs for the effects of anesthesia and bleeding, as is normal in the first hours after delivery. "

Three hours separate from your baby

When she signed up for the exam, she told the opposition court that she was 39 and a half weeks pregnant and that she could go into labor at any time, but the only solution they gave her was that they could send someone to the hospital for examination, as stated the Law of Equality.

"I don't think it's fair to have to present you with such an important test like this ... I had not slept, eaten, nor was in the same conditions as my classmates. I had to leave a newborn for three hours, I could not breastfeed. In a country where we try to talk about labor equality, conciliation, maternity… it is shameful to expose women to such an extremely unfair situation, "

Despite how important the first hours of life are with the baby, Carmen was deprived of living this special moment with her son. A particularly sensitive period of recognition between the two that fosters the bond of attachment and contributes to the establishment of breastfeeding. They are sacred hours that nothing should interfere. Who can have a head to take an exam at that time?

And the conciliation?

The doctor did not want to miss the opportunity to take the exam because "they are the first to call since the crisis" and has been chaining temporary contracts for three years, some of only two months. He had the willpower to prepare and sign up for the exam about to be a mother because it was his only option.

Can you really not make an exception in these cases? It is degrading that the woman be put through such a situation. Precisely, a few days ago, the Constitutional Court established that the leave due to pregnancy or maternity cannot be treated like the other permits because it implies discrimination based on sex, And to be examined is treated like othersEven if I am still bleeding and with anesthetized legs? Are not force majeure reasons taken into account? This is also conciliation.

Video: Episiotomy (June 2024).