The kids have their tastes when dressing, let them choose

After 12 months, children begin to express their personal tastes. Most of the time, pointing incessantly with the finger what you like most among several available options. They begin to be able, for example, to choose their own clothes based on the colors or textures that most appeal to them. We explain why letting them choose is important and we give you tips for strike a balance between what they want and what they need.

Why let children choose their own clothes

Each child has a different and unique personality from birth. In the development of their own personality, they will gradually define their way of being, their tastes, interests and preferences. For favor the development and learning of our kidsIt is essential that we educate children in freedom by giving them some autonomy to learn to make small decisions from small.

Letting them choose their clothes within limits favors the development of their personality

So too we will show you that we take them into account, that we respect their way of being and that we are sensitive to their needs and interests.

This way of proceeding increases their self-esteem, favors their self-expression, gives them confidence and strengthens their self-confidence, makes them feel older, makes them more determined people and teaches them to express their desires without fear of being rejected. It also allows them to develop their creativity and It makes them more responsible for their own care.

Of course, it's not about letting them decide on everything that concerns them. Young children need the advice and care of their parents. The rules and limits will still be necessary since children do not have enough cognitive development to understand what is most suitable for them.

Help him not to be wrong, but without noticing

It is necessary to achieve a balance between what they want and what they really need. A great formula to meet both factors is to let them choose between several options established by the parents. Another effective option could be to give them the freedom to choose on certain occasions. For example, on "special occasions" such as your birthday or when you deserve a prize for showing good behavior. You can also get used to making their own decisions by letting them choose small details of their clothing, such as accessories.

If once at home he wants to choose what to wear and dress himself, Do not close in band at your choice or hurry. Each child has their own rhythm and some acquire before others the mental maturity or the skills necessary to perform certain tasks.

An effective method is to let them choose between the options set by the parents or on special occasions

Participate in your choice by giving advice but without imposing yourself. Do not criticize him and help him dress better and faster and faster, but without noticing. For this you can turn this moment of the day into a game.

For example, if the little one chooses a red pants and a jumper that keeps it off, you can always say something like: "Let's see what's in the bottom of this magic closet? Let's ask which jersey suits those pants better! ". This way is a kind and fun way to tell the little one what it is The most appropriate way to dress.

As it improves, Try to intervene as little as possible. If you are forced to do so, leave it to the end and always after congratulating him on how well everything has been placed. If the shirt is badly buttoned or the seams are crooked, allow a few minutes before putting them on properly. If you show consideration and empathy, you won't mind giving him a hand.

Fashion on the outside, health on the inside

When choosing your own clothes, we must ensure that they choose practical and comfortable clothes, that do not limit their movements and are functional, with good fabrics and that are of their size. As important that your shoes take care of the health of your feet.

We must ensure that they choose good clothes, their size and that the shoes take care of the health of their feet

Chicco shoes follow the latest trends in fashion, but whose main mission is to take care of the child's foot by proposing the most suitable footwear in each of the stages of its growth.

The Infant 12m + range is a footwear designed by and for children, comfortable and comfortable, with a casual, fresh and modern style, with fun models that allow the little one to always hit their choice.

In addition, the exclusive Chicco template helps the correct development of the plantar arch and its Flex-zone sole is flexible to guarantee the correct tread and the greatest comfort of the child when walking.

The kids love being able to choose their own things. Always remember to keep an open attitude, show yourself tolerant (their tastes do not have to match yours) and limit the range of possibilities to help you make your choice as correct as possible.

With the passage of time, little by little, the child will learn to choose and will look at the main characteristics that the garments must gather to succeed in his choice alone and without help. Although surely I will continue asking for advice.

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Images | iStock / FamVeld.

Video: I Only Said Yes To My Kids For A Week (June 2024).