Walking with the baby: complete guide to solve all your doubts

What time of day is most suitable for walking with the baby? How many times should you walk a day? What security measures should be taken into account? Up to what age is the stroller recommended? These are some of the most common doubts that arise in relation to the baby ride. Here is a complete tour guide to solve them.

What is the most appropriate time to go for a walk with the baby

It will depend on the season of the year. During the warm months, it is better to take the baby for a walk early in the morning or late in the afternoon. In this way we will avoid heat stroke and excessive exposure to sunlight. During the summer it is essential to avoid the central hours of the day.

We must take into account the time of the year, the weather, the age of the baby and its routines

On the other hand, during the colder months it is best to choose precisely the central hours of the day. The later hours of the morning or the first hours of the afternoon are perfect to go for a walk with the little one in winter, since the sun is in its highest position and provides a more pleasant temperature.

The wind is not an inconvenience as long as it is soft and not too freezing. In these months of the year we can, for example, take advantage of the snack time to go for a walk in the park.

Pediatricians recommend exposing children to the sun in moderation and taking extreme precautions during the summer so that babies do not suffer burns, sunstroke or dehydration.

Too we must take into account the habits and age of the baby at the time of walking. If this is still very small, we must respect their sleep and food schedules. The best way to enjoy a pleasant walk is to go out at a time of day when you are not hungry or sleepy so that your attitude is as positive as possible.

How many times a day is it advisable to go for a walk?

There is no limit of daily daily walks. It is healthy that we go out at least once a day to take a walk with our baby. Pediatricians recommend that babies go out for a walk from the first day for at least one hour a day.

Daylight and sunrays are necessary for proper development., since they are essential for the synthesis of vitamin D.

Pediatricians recommend at least one hour of daily walk

However, many times work schedules prevent us from enjoying a long daily walk during the week. If you cannot enjoy an hour followed by a walk with your little one, try to go out twice a day.

You can also take advantage of the moments when you have to go outside to do some errand to take you with you. In this way, the little one will leave the routine and enjoy some more time outdoors and with you. Spend more time on your little walk on weekends to compensate.

As they grow older, in addition to walking, it is healthy for children to practice some daily exercise while playing outside. Then we can combine the chair ride with visits to the playground.

In this way, children can enjoy swings and other attractions that favor their gross motor skills, while developing their social skills by interacting with other children their age.

Is my little too old for the stroller?

There are many contradictory theories about what is the most appropriate age to abandon the use of the stroller for the sake of the child. Some point out that children should not use the stroller beyond three years so that it does not interfere with the child's autonomy. Others set the limit in all five. However, the stroller is not a determining factor for our children to be more autonomous children.

The specialists maintain, despite the diversity of opinions, that There is no age limit for the seat. In fact, up to 5 years of age, strollers are essential to meet the needs of children on trips, excursions, shopping and long walks. And in certain situations, such as when going to the bank or a shopping center, traveling through difficult streets or making arrangements that require our concentration, we may need to focus our attention on another task without having to be watching the little one.

In these situations children can get tired of walking, want to rest, get bored or take a nap. On the other hand, when establishing the abandonment of the chair also influences the child's own personality, his character, his degree of maturity and the pace of development of the child.

According to experts, there is no age limit for the stroller

When the child begins to walk, it is necessary to alternate the short walks with the chair ride for your own well-being. In addition, the stroller is especially useful in the case of very active children, who start running or let go of the hand in the street. In these cases, it allows us to perform our daily obligations with peace of mind.

As your steps are perfected, a versatile and compact stroller becomes increasingly necessary that can cover all your needs while offering a simple folding and transport solution while it is not going to be used.

The Chicco Miinimo stroller is a model designed to especially meet the needs of the family during this stage of growth. It closes with one hand and is ultra-compact when closed, even being able to carry a shoulder bag. However, once opened it is spacious and comfortable.

Which route is better for a walk with a small child and what places we should avoid

The time of the trip should be a healthy, relaxing and entertaining time for the little one. For this reason, the best routes to go for a walk with a baby are those that include parks, playgrounds, quiet and pedestrian avenues or green areas.

Stroll through parks, quiet and pedestrian avenues or green areas

We must avoid those areas under construction or with a high pollution rate. Also those that are too noisy or crowded and the areas near gas stations.

Nor are narrow, poorly paved or crowded streets, smoke-laden places or areas with high traffic density recommended.

Ideally, the child can relax during the walk while receiving pleasant visual and auditory stimuli that may contribute to their development.

How to make the journeys safer and more comfortable

In addition to taking into account the safest places to go for a walk with your baby, you should know Choose the stroller most appropriate for your age and your needs.

A safe, manageable and space-free stroller

We all value the aesthetic aspects of the stroller of our little one. Having a beautiful design, that is more or less modern or that is of one color or another, are details that undoubtedly influence our choice. But the most important thing is that it is a safe, manageable stroller that does not take up space, so that taking it to the sites is not an ordeal because of its weight and volume.

We must also check that the chair is provided with a device that prevents accidental closure once opened. Too it must be solid, flexible and stable, have an effective braking system and a good retention system.

The seat back must be rigid enough to support the baby's back and be adjustable, just like the footrest. It should also be padded for ensure the comfort of the child during the walks.

The Chicco Miinimo stroller has a fully reclining and adjustable backrest in four positions. Its legrest is also adjustable and has a seat and shoulder harness and superacolchados separapiernas that provide the child with maximum comfort during the walk.

Precautions that never hurts to remember

He care and maintenance of our stroller They are two important factors that influence your safety. Before starting, make sure that the wheels and brakes are in proper condition and that the seat belt and safety straps are regulated and fastened. If the chair begins to show imperfections due to its continued use and these affect its safety, we must replace it immediately.

The care and maintenance of the chair and the way we drive it influence the safety of the ride

Finally, we must Be cautious and cautious driving the stroller, contemplating road traffic rules for pedestrians becomes more essential than ever.

Avoid tripping by focusing on the walk, hold the chair with both hands, do not circulate with it while talking on the mobile phone, always walk along well-equipped roads and as far away from the road as possible, do not use the shoulders, cross the steps of pedestrians and always with the green light, as well as looking well before crossing the street are Security measures that we must comply with.

It is also important make sure that the position and condition of the chair are correct when we stop. We must never release the handlebar without first applying the brake and we will always ensure that the chair does not slide before releasing it.

How to walk with a high demand baby

Most babies enjoy the stroller because they associate it with a pleasant moment of the day in which they go for a walk and entertain themselves by watching what happens around them. However, high-demand babies demand much more from their parents and feel more attached to them, so sometimes, they find it hard to get used to their stroller.

An ultra-compact chair is useful if the baby constantly claims arms

In these cases, an ultra-compact stroller such as Miinimo that allows us to close it quickly and transport it with ease to be able to take the baby in arms until it calms down can be especially useful.

In this way, we can also Alternate the chair ride with walking or going in arms. Strolling toys can also be useful tools to facilitate the movement of the arms to the chair.

With the passage of time, a lot of patience and the establishment of a daily routine, the little one will end up getting used to the stroller and will enjoy the moments in which he walks comfortably sitting inside.

Images | iStock / Halfpoint / sbytovamn / nyul / FamVeld.

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