Never trust the lifeguard at the pool

Which pool is safer for families with children, one with a lifeguard or one without a lifeguard? The answer is very obvious: a swimming pool is always safer in which a lifeguard is attentive to warn when something dangerous is done, or to act in case there is an incident.

It is safer, unless, trusting in the presence of a lifeguard, we do not care about the safety of our children and stop being aware of them. Therefore, although it seems strange advice, it is one of the most important to consider in aquatic environments: never trust the pool lifeguard.

No one doubts their professionalism

Mind you, the council is not a criticism of first responders, far from it. I am sure that most do a remarkable surveillance job and that thanks to them there are many lives saved every year.

However, from time to time there is someone a little more clueless, or who is not able to see any emergency due to some circumstance (that there are many people in the water and they have blind spots behind people), and this may take a bit an action that often depends on the time in which the rescue maneuvers begin.

But anyway, I don't go around. Or I don't just go there. Even when there are first responders, as we read in PopSugar, the danger exists and The first responsibility for the health of our children is our, always, and not the lifeguard. Four eyes see more than two, with an important advantage: our two eyes only look at our children, while the two eyes of the lifeguard have to be aware of all bathers.

How to reduce water risks this summer

Councils are repeated every year and water-related misfortunes happen again every year (and with children who stay in closed cars, in the sun, in what is another problem that does not seem to end, unfortunately). That is why we will emphasize the advice given by the Red Cross when children and water come together in the equation, something very funny, something they love, but something tremendously dangerous:

Don't trust the lifeguard

Although it is there to act immediately in case of emergency, it may be the case that it takes time to realize a problem, because you have to be aware of several people in the water.

Teach your children to swim

And do it as soon as possible. The fact that they know how to swim is no reason to stop watching them, but it will always be safer. Especially if one day they fall into the water without wanting to.

Don't let them play near the water

If they are small and still do not dominate the aquatic environment, don't let them get close to the water and explain why it is dangerous.

Do not trust the safety of a child in another child

"Take care of your little brother" can be tremendously dangerous if we talk about playing in the water. A brother will not always be aware that the other is drowning (he may think he is playing), and even when he is conscious, he will not always be able to act on time and effectively.

Do not trust the sleeves or floats

As they advertise on labels, they are not lifeguards and therefore are not safe. Or at least they are not safe to let our children use without our supervision. Always, always, we have to be aware of them.

Teach them to ask permission to go to the water

Explain that they always have to ask if they can bathe is important, because that way you will always be aware that they are going to do it, and you can be more aware of them.

Supervise your children's bathroom

I speak mostly of children who already know how to swim, who may be alone in the water. Knowing how to swim is not enough. Many deaths in the water happen with children who already knew how to swim, but who get tired and let go. We have to be close to supervise the bathroom.

Bathe near the little ones

Young children who already walk and are in pools that cover little can also cause an emergency if they fall and are not able to get back up. That's why we have to be by your side, in case they fall, catch them right away.

Take a first aid course

All people should take first aid courses, and if we are parents, with more reason. It is likely that in case of emergency we do not remember very well what to do, or that we block, but at least we have to have the knowledge in case we are capable, or if it happens to another child. In addition, it is important to know when to call emergencies and how to do it.

Video: Tried to farts and shit in the pool. (April 2024).