Proposal for a law so that surrogacy in our country is legal, free and altruistic

The subject of surrogacy has reached the Congress of Deputies. This morning, the leader of Citizens Albert Rivera, has registered a bill that aims to regulate surrogacy during our country.

The political formation proposes the creation of a National Registry of Gestation by Subrogation in which the women who freely wish to offer their belly, as well as surrogate couples.

Altruistic and for over 25 years

In our country, surrogacy is prohibited. Therefore, couples who want to be parents in this way must travel to countries where this practice is legalized, finding many difficulties to enroll their children in the Civil Registry upon their return to Spain.

That is why Citizens has decided to present a bill so that surrogacy in our country is legal, free and altruistic, and where the pregnant mother meets the following requirements:

  • Be over 25 years old

  • Having been the mother of at least one healthy child before undergoing this process

  • Having good health and not having a criminal record or drug or alcohol use

  • Be Spanish or legal resident in Spain

  • Have a stable socio-economic situation

  • Not have been pregnant by subrogation more than once before

Similarly, the parent or parents involved in this surrogacy process must also comply with some parameters:

  • Be over 25 and under 45

  • Have nationality or legally reside in Spain

  • Prove the capacity and skills necessary to face this process

  • Not having a kinship relationship with the pregnant mother (that is, a woman will not be able to gestate her sister's baby or her daughter, for just two examples)

  • Having exhausted or incompatible with assisted reproduction techniques

The woman who offers to gestate another couple's baby must do so totally free and selfless, although surrogate parents must bear the financial expenses derived from pregnancy, travel or work, as well as provide the pregnant woman with the ideal conditions both before and during pregnancy and after the postpartum period.

The bill also proposes a series of financial fines ranging from 1,000 euros for minor offenses, up to 10,000 euros for serious and up to one million euros for very serious, including payments to the mother pregnant woman (except those derived from pregnancy and childbirth).

Will this bill go ahead?

At the moment, this proposal is nothing more than a bill that must be voted on by the rest of the political parties. The PSOE has already clearly positioned itself against this measure; United We affirm that within his party there are diverse opinions on the matter and the PP, although initially contrary, declares that he will study in detail the project presented.

For its part, the Bioethics Committee of Spain (under the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality) was positioned last May totally contrary to the practice of surrogacy not only in our country but throughout the world.

Again, the debate, both political and citizen, is back on the table.

  • Via The World, The Country, The Confidential, Public

  • In Babies and More The Bioethics Committee of Spain asks that rent bellies be banned worldwide, A woman who was a surrogate mother celebrates the first birthday of the granddaughter she gave birth, After nine abortions and three years of fertility treatments, her sister gave birth to her twins through surrogacy, surrogacy or surrogacy: for or against?

Video: "Be it resolved: The prohibition on payment for surrogacy & gametes in Canada should be repealed" (July 2024).