What are the effects of the use of electronic devices in the development of our children?

Technology is an essential part of our lives. Although some resist (or resist) accepting this phrase I just wrote, the truth is that technology is present in most of our daily activities. Little by little it has ceased to be an accessory or complement, to become something necessary in our families.

But like anything, we must take care of the use of tablets or mobiles and set limits, because everything in excess can cause us more harm than benefit. As parents, it is up to us to regulate the use of our children. But, Do we really know how it affects or how much it influences the use of these devices in the development of children?

Tablets for children, yes or no?

Before continuing in depth with the topic of this article, I would like to share my personal opinion about the use of tablets or mobiles by children.

Although I am a mother of the millennial generation, I don't share that thought of giving children their own tablet. Even a few months ago I wrote an article explaining that it is not in my plans to buy one for my daughter.


I am not the enemy of technology, but quite the opposite. I use it in my day to day work as an editor, designer and blogger, It is an essential part of my routine and my activities of the week. From time to time I fall into leisure practices where I find myself watching my Facebook or Instagram newsfeed, like anyone with a smartphone in my hand.

But precisely because I know firsthand how much distraction mobile phones or tablets can be, I am against children buying a tablet for personal use. I understand that every day there are more applications that are useful for children to learn and develop certain skills, even some have contacted me to try them at home, but I have told everyone that no.

I reiterate that I do not see them as an enemy, but I consider that there are other activities or ways of educating and playing with children. Of course, at some point of despair or when the situation does not leave me an alternative, I have resorted and lent my daughter my iPad to see a chapter of Daniel Tigre, for example. But they are very rare situations and she knows that it is not a toy.

All this I comment is to get back to the topic of this article: I am very concerned and important about the impact that the use of these devices can have on the development of my daughter. How much may or may not affect them using a tablet at mealtime, for example? How can it influence your brain development or socialization skills?

The tablets and children's brains

In Babies and more We have previously shared some studies that analyze the effects of the use of these devices in the development of children. One of them, for example, said that the use of mobile phones and tablets before two years could delay the development of speech in children, which makes sense, because although these are applications for children, the tablets do not offer that interaction when talking As we do from person to person.

Another study found that tablets could be negatively affecting the social and emotional development of our children, by stay isolated inside them, instead of living with those around you. How then will children learn to socialize with other people if they are distracted all the time on their tablets?

Many times a child is given a tablet because he tells us he is bored or we see him angry without doing anything. But for them it is very important to get bored, since in this way they are able to develop their creativity and autonomy. Of course we have to encourage our children to learn, but boredom is also a necessary part of its development.

In an interview for The New York Times, Dr. Gary Small comments that: "We do not yet know the full neurological effects of these technologies. Children, like adults, vary greatly and some are more sensitive than others regarding the amount of time in front of the screens", so that in reality, the impact of these may vary from person to person.

Are other alternatives better?

It is not uncommon for restaurants to offer activities for children while they wait for food, which is also usually one of the times when parents allow them to use a tablet or mobile phone. After learning about their impact, we probably think that it is better to resort to the traditional: a book and some crayons.

Ozlem Ayduk, professor at the Relations and Cognition Laboratory at the University of California, comments that Children who are entertained using a book and colors do not usually socialize much with those around them. "It is not really a matter of the iPad against non-electronic objects"he says. Actually, the important thing is the interaction that children have with others.

"Conversations with other people are the way children learn to have conversations with themselves."says Sherry Tuckle, a professor of science, technology and society at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology."Learning about loneliness and being alone is the basis of early development, and you don't want your children to miss that just because you're reassuring them with an electronic device.".

And we return to the same thing that children need to get bored: "They need to have the opportunity to explore their imagination. To be able to meet and know who they are. That way one day they can form a relationship with another person, without feeling panicked about being alone. If we don't teach our children to be well alone, they will only know how to be lonely".

Less tablets and videos, more space and interaction

After knowing the results of studies and the opinion of professionals, we can summarize that the use of tablets can not only cause delays in certain areas during the development of our children, but also it could affect them in the way they feel with themselves.

If it is necessary to resort to some activity to calm or distract them, let us accompany them and be part of it. Let's look a balance so that they can have spaces of silence and solitude, but also have conversations and interact with those around them.

Photos | iStock
Via | The New York Times
In Babies and more | The American Academy of Pediatrics publishes new recommendations for the use of tablets, mobiles and TV by children, Those children who are so hooked on the tablet that they do not realize that their family has been replaced, Technology vs. traditional games: What do children lose in front of screens?

Video: How Media & Technology Affects Children. Child Development (July 2024).