The photograph of an Italian blogger who reminds us that you can also model while pregnant

How many women in the media remain visible when they are pregnant? Although today the word "pregnancy" on television has ceased to be a taboo, there is still a tendency to discriminate or hide women who appear in the media when they are waiting for a baby.

That's why we loved it the photograph published by the Italian blogger Chiara Ferragni, in which she is seen working as a model at six months of pregnancy, showing us that motherhood is not an impediment to continue working.

The pregnancy in the media

How common is it to see a presenter, reporter or model appear in the media and work normally when pregnant? There are few cases, and unfortunately, they are not well received.

Remember that occasion when a weather girl was insulted by viewers, for continuing to work on television 35 weeks after her twin pregnancy. Apparently for them it was "unpleasant" to see a pregnant woman appear on television and considered it a daring on their part to continue showing in the media with her pregnant belly.

I have never understood why some people are so bothered to see a woman who works in the media continue her working life during pregnancy. Don't we all come to this world because our mothers went through the same? They act as if pregnancy were a disease to be hidden.

I understand that there are women who decide to take a break to enjoy pregnancy and then be able to return to work as a public figure, but in many cases, that "break" is not their decision.

Let's look at the case of the models, for example. Although some decide to take a break, others simply stop being called by the agencies and brands they work with or they are assigned projects in which the pregnant belly is hidden. And not to mention fashion catwalks, where pregnant models who have paraded are scarce.

Sure, there are specific marketing campaigns in which it is not compatible to put a pregnant woman modeling, but come on, that pregnancy is something totally normal and that millions of women go through.

Do pregnant women not travel, go out to eat with their friends, go shopping, buy accessories, wear perfume or go to the pool? There are hundreds of situations that pregnant women continue to live and despite that, the pregnancy is still hiding in the media as if it were something that should not be shown.

The photo of Chiara and her pregnant belly

For those who don't know her, Chiara Ferragni is an Italian girl who became famous thanks to her blog The Blonde Salad. She is currently one of the most recognized fashion influencers worldwide and a few weeks ago announced that she was pregnant with her first baby.

Now, Chiara shows us that pregnancy is no reason to hide and that it is perfectly compatible with the work of a model, by sharing a photo on her Instagram account, after posing for a swimsuit campaign at six months pregnant.

Shooting a swimwear campaign at 6 months pregnant #TheBlondeSaladGoesToPuglia

"Star in a swimwear photo shoot when you're 6 months pregnant", is the message with which the blogger accompanies the image where she shows her pregnant belly proudly. Chiara has expressed through her social networks that she feels very happy and excited to be a mother, and makes it very clear sharing your pregnancy and making it part of your job.

Although this may seem like something without much impact, small acts like these can help the hypocrisy of pushing you to have children and then ask you to hide your motherhood, gradually disappear, and let's begin to see pregnancy in the media as something completely normal.

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