Magic, illusionism, taichi or massages: innovation comes to schools

It is evident that Our education system has much to improve in several aspects, and this is confirmed by the results of the PISA 2015 report, where Spanish students fall below the OECD average in several subjects, or the recent "Collaborative problem solving" study, which shows the low capacity of students To work in a group.

But despite this, we increasingly know more stories of teachers and schools that with their attitude, innovative ideas and ways of treating students are giving small steps in search of a better education.

Yoga, massage and taichi in a school in Biscay

Some time ago at the San Félix de Ortuella (Vizcaya) school, the desks were removed, the walls of the classes were replaced by windows and the educational material was made visible and available to everyone. The goal was to get a pleasant, bright and spacious learning climate.

But this center has just taken another step by receiving the Basque Innovation Award, for creating pleasant environments and diaphanous and low-noise classrooms, which encourage the concentration and learning of students.

Following the educational models that have been successfully applied in the Nordic countries, a "acoustic decontamination program"in which both students and teachers participate.

This program consists of fostering calm, quiet and respectful environments, which are achieved by practicing yoga and taichi exercises before each class, stretching, massaging each other or working with classical background music.

The director of the center affirms that thanks to all these measures, the students have internalized very well the importance of not making noise, of being relaxed, of repeating the turns to intervene or of speaking in a low tone, also obtaining better academic results.

Magic and illusionism to explain mathematics in a school in Seville

And from Vizcaya we go to Seville by the hand of Professor Xuxo Ruiz Domínguez who has been nominated for best teacher in the world competing with another 40,000 teachers for the Global Teacher award, an award valued at one million dollars.

Xuxo is a professor at the San Sebastián de Albaida del Aljarafe public school where he teaches his students mathematics and biology through magic and illusionism tricks. He assures that exciting and making his students happy makes them learn the lesson better, since They are more motivated, focused and interested.

For students, going to their teacher's class Xuxo is a different adventure every day in which they will learn with magic tricks, contests or illusionism. Who would not want to go to school with such a teacher? And there is no doubt that there are teachers who leave their mark!

Innovating to move forward

Both Professor Xuxo Ruíz and the Vizcaya school are two clear examples of what innovation in education can achieve: Happy, relaxed, motivated and eager students to learn.

And it is precisely motivation and enthusiasm to learn what I miss most in the current educational model. It is true that there are alternative schools where traditional education, as we know it, does not exist. Schools where the student is responsible for their own learning and where their autonomy, curiosity and freedom are motivated by acquiring new knowledge.

But also we must fight for a public and concerted quality school, that respects the rhythms of the students, that highlights and works the competences of each one and, above all, that fosters their creativity and the ability to work in groups.

Another education is possible, and with news like this it is clear to me that everything is a matter of desire and mentality.

  • IStock Photos

  • Via El País, ABC

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