Fertile women are more attractive.

A new study from the University of San Andrés reveals that Women with attractive faces tend to have higher estrogen levels which makes them more fertile.

Estrogens, female sex hormones are the mediators that announce beauty and fertility. These hormones (according to the study) prevent the growth of facial bone, reduce the size of the nose and chin. It makes the eyes big, the increased thickness of the lips, models hips buttocks, features that announce that the woman is fertile. The researchers took pictures of students between the ages of 18 and 24 and collected urine samples from each one before measuring their estrogen levels at the same time during their menstrual cycles.

A group of volunteers 15 women and 14 men valued the photographs for attractiveness, femininity and health. The researchers found that those that had the highest estrogen levels were the ones rated as most attractive.

According to scientists, makeup masks the brightness and natural beauty of women; which interferes with the most instinctive communication between men and women. In a survey of 10,000 men, 68 percent preferred women to natural than those with makeup. So girls you're welcome covering your face every morning with kilos of makeup.

In light of this investigation Angelina Jolie must be excessively fertile, right?

Video: Why does ovulation makes women more attractive? - Dr. Shefali Tyagi (July 2024).