The continuous waking of midnight

There are several reasons for the baby to wake up in the middle of the night. Not all babies are the same, some can sleep at a stretch and others, most of them, usually wake up several times and for several months.

Yes your baby wakes up at night, the reasons can be several, among others, that you are hungry, this is a reason that moves all babies and is that often, in the night shot they have not satiated and therefore they wake up claiming a little more. The solution is very easy, offering a little more milk will be enough to relax and go back to sleep.

The heat can also be one of the causes that wake you up, our concern that you do not take cold often causes us to cover you too much, the solution is that you have a thermostat in the room to confirm the temperature and not overcoat it. Obviously, when the diaper is soaked is a nuisance to the baby, this discomfort causes his awakening and more if the diaper is not special for the night. Another reason may be that you have a cold and find it hard to breathe in this case, the physiological serum can be a saint's hand, and a vaporizer will help you breathe much better and thus fall asleep.

It is also possible that a noise disturbs the baby's rest, be it the barking of a dog, the thunder of a storm, television, etc. If your baby is in the light sleep phase, it is very likely that he wakes up, for this reason, that a baby becomes familiar with the noise is beneficial, that is, there are parents who when the baby sleeps try not to make any noise and This is not good if we want to get used to everyday noise.

There are still many more reasons for the child to wake up, but one thing is true, the contact your baby has with you is an almost infallible remedy for your peace of mind.

Video: How to Sleep Better (July 2024).