The umbilical cord, what happened when they cut it

When your baby was in the womb, his blood circulation was a maze of doors and communications, a very special design that made it possible to supply oxygen to his small organs. His lungs still did not work and therefore the blood system did not pass through them. What he did was use "shortcuts" like the oval foramen or the ductus arteriosus, although these shortcuts stopped using them when he came into the world.

When they clamped the umbilical cord of your baby, he changed his blood circulation and began adapting it to the new medium he was in, outside the uterine cavity. Once the first inspiration began, he received the first breath of oxygen in his lungs, thus relaxing and dilating the wall of his pulmonary blood vessels.

The blood began to flow through the artery and ended up canceling the arterial duct that then worked, this occurred in the first three days after birth. But back to the first inspiration, thanks to it, the blood began to oxygenate and passed through the heart and pulmonary veins. Never again will blood flow from one atrium to another, since the oval foramen will remain completely closed.

All these mechanisms were performed by any child at the time they cut the umbilical cord and made their first inspiration. How wise nature is, what joy this new being gives, our son, who enters our lives and our hearts.

Video: Daddy cutting the umbilical cord (July 2024).