Anal fissure

Generally, an anal fissure in the baby is caused by constipation, since the feces being so hard and with the edges so dry, they can tear the mucosa from the walls. The pain that it produces can make you not want to poop to avoid pain, the remedy being worse than the disease.

Anal fissure It is a small shallow crack that is located in the mucosa of the anus and we can detect it when it is internal if we see in the baby's stools some red blood spots. We can also detect if it is external to the naked eye and a very possible symptom is that the baby cries every time he poops, the cause can be an anal fissure. When it is caused by constipation, the first thing is to try to make the stool soft and not so painful. In addition, we should clean the area very well with a damp cloth whenever the baby poops. Surely the pediatrician will advise us some anti-inflammatory ointment so that this fissure so annoying for the baby is closed. It may be the case that it is a little more serious than we think and the pediatrician advises us a lubricating enema to help the baby to expel the feces.

An anal fissure is quite annoying for the baby, the attention of the parents to any strange sign will always help to detect any problem and be able to solve it. We are the ones who have to have a cure for him, so that an unimportant problem is not going to grow.

Video: Whats the difference between haemorrhoids and anal fissures? (July 2024).