Breastfed babies wet the bed less

And we continue adding benefits to breastfeeding. A new argument is added that defends the benefits of breastfeeding.

According to a new study, An advantage in the development of children who are breastfed makes them less likely to wet the bed in the future.

So say researchers at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Breastfeeding is beneficial because of the role that certain fatty acids that the mother transmits to the baby play in brain development, said the study published in the July issue of Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

According to experts "there is a biological possibility to deduce that breastfeeding protects against bedwetting and our results show a strong statistical association" although it is not enough to prove a direct effect cause relationship. The study was based on children aged 5 to 13. 55. They peed in bed and 117, no.

Among those who wet the bed at night, 45 percent had been breastfed. While those who did not, in 81% of the cases had taken breast milk.

The research also found that babies who received breast milk along with a supplemental formula had a similar enuresis rate than those who only received the supplement.

Video: Breastfeeding Position and Latch (July 2024).