Notification and Registration of Situations of Risk and Child Abuse Program

No less than about two thousand children live in situations of social risk or family homelessness in the Canary Islands. The data has been submitted by the Regional Ministry of Social Affairs. For this reason the system of detection and unified registration of child abuse in the family environment has been presented, it is the Notification and Registration of Situations of Risk and Child Abuse Program.

The system allows establishing an ideal protocol for health personnel, police, teachers and all persons who may be professionally related to minors, in order to detect signs or symptoms of abuse in children and then report them to the competent authorities.

Most parents do not think that this type of abuse against children can exist, but the reality is that they exist. Physical or emotional abuse is associated with contempt, humiliation that is exerted on the child ..., it is shown that in most cases children end up suffering serious physical and psychological consequences, in addition to presenting behavioral disorders and disease somatization.

Difficult is the task of raising awareness among parents who perform such actions on their children, abuse is not the right option to deal with their own problems.

Video: It Takes a Community: Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect (May 2024).