The AEP recommends vaccinating against the flu, reaches epidemic levels

As many of us have seen these days, pediatric consultations are full of children with the flu, becoming the main reason for emergency visits by children. As we have already mentioned on some occasion, children are a key contagion factor for their attendance at schools or nurseries, even being the cause of infecting the rest of the family.

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) again calls for vaccination against the influenza virus in order to prevent the disease.

Javier Elorz, a member of the Pediatric Service of the Basurto Hospital in Bilbao, tells us that “children secrete the virus one week before and up to two weeks after the onset of clinical symptoms while the adult only does it two days before and five days later and the viral load is greater, so the possibility of transmitting the infection increases in children significantly. ” The Flu Surveillance Group in Spain declares that it was in the second week of January when the rise of infections began and there are currently four communities in which it has become an epidemic, with almost 400 patients per 100,000 inhabitants, the average national rate of 208 per 100,000.

Fortunately, there are few cases that require hospitalization because of the flu (which can trigger other problems), according to a recent study between 0.11 and 1.54 per 1,000, of which 90% end up in bronchiolitis, bronchitis and pneumonia, data provided by Dr. Elorz based on children under 3 years.

All that is in our hands to prevent our little ones from suffering, must be carried out and to do it with certainty, it is best to consult with the pediatrician before any symptoms, as it will help us reduce any risk.

Video: October 2013 ACIP Meeting -- Human Papillomavirus HPV Vaccines (July 2024).