Why do children ask so many questions? How to give the right answers

As we mentioned yesterday, sometimes it can be difficult to give the right answers to certain questions that our children ask us, it is very important to preserve their innocence. Not all questions are equally complex, but they all need an appropriate answer and at a certain stage in the child's life you have to arm yourself with patience, because the "whys" have no end.

We have found a book that can help us to the most important, to know why they ask us the questions, understanding the real reason for your consultation will be easier to satisfy your need.

Paola Santagostino, psychologist and psychotherapist offers us in Why do children ask so many questions? How to give the right answers, a guide to understand the meaning of the questions children ask, if they are asked out of curiosity or because they need to get our attention, interact more with us, etc. From "why water falls from the sky" to "why there are wars" there has been a breakthrough in the development of the child. At first they are questions that are perhaps more difficult to answer because they are somewhat abstract, some time later they can be questions whose answers are not pleasant and do not know how to give themselves, there will also be more provocative or technical doubts ... in short, as the author of the book says , sometimes you have to give more importance to how you answer that to the answer in question, and she will give us some ideas about the most appropriate answers.

If you want to find answers to your children's questions, you can purchase this book for 8 euros through the network or in your usual bookstore.

Video: A Therapist Answers Questions You're Too Afraid To Ask (July 2024).