Spain, 5th place in quality of life for children

We can remain very calm, because Spain holds the fifth place in the ranking of quality of life for children among the 21 richest countries in the world, according to a UNICEF study.

Innocenti's annual report entitled 'Child poverty in perspective: A panorama of child welfare in rich countries' It scores six essential categories obtained from analyzing more than 40 variables on children's well-being, such as poverty levels, health levels or parent-child relationships.

As for the categories, it places us in a satisfactory position (6th) in health and safety. Instead, we went down to 15th in education.

The most interesting thing is that in terms of subjective quality of life, that is, from the point of view of children, we get second place, behind the Dutch.

That means that Spanish children feel happy with their quality of life.

The four countries ahead of us in the general list are Holland, which leads the ranking, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.

The United Kingdom and the United States that won the last positions on the list are worried.

Via | 20minutes More information | Unicef ​​Innocenti Report | An overview of child welfare in rich countries In Babies and more | Spain holds the title of the country with the highest rate of child poverty in the European Community In Babies and more | The State of the World's Children 2007: Women and children In Babies and more | State of the World's Children 2006

Video: What I miss about Living in Spain (July 2024).