The funny response of a mother when she was told that she should dress her daughter in a more feminine way

We are in a time when that traditional belief of "girls wear pink and boys in blue" has become an outdated idea and which many parents choose to ignore. Even in many children's clothing stores they have created gender neutral clothing lines, to prevent and eliminate the classic stereotypes.

However, there are still people who believe that boys "should dress as boys" and girls "as girls". This was what happened to a mother, who decided to take it by the funny side and that was how she "solved" dressing her daughter in a more feminine way.

Steve Rold is the father of two children, a two-year-old son and a small baby. Recently shared in a Reddit post A little anecdote related to the way your younger daughter dresses, titled: This is how my wife dressed our daughter the day after the nursery teachers told her we should dress her more like a girl.

Since Babies and more We contacted Steve and he tells us that everything happened on a day when his wife Jessica went to school with her son, accompanied by her baby.

While there are some of the greatest teachers they suggested that she think about wearing her daughter with more dresses or putting bows on her head, so that the other children in the nursery knew that it was a girl.

Jessica, being a graphic designer, decided to take it with humor and putting her drawing skills into practice, she thought of a brilliant and very funny solution: draw a loop on a post-it note and place it on your daughter's head (of course, as a joke).

How my wife dressed our daughter the day after the teachers at daycare told her we should really be dressing her more like a girl. from r / daddit

Steve tells us that they didn't take the teachers comment badly, because think that they were probably just trying to help, as older people usually share advice they think can serve young parents, a situation they appreciate in general.

Maybe they thought we hadn't thought about dressing our daughter differently, or maybe they didn't want to answer a million questions from the rest of the nursery children, about why our baby didn't wear pink. The suggestion was actually quite light, but it accumulated along with other very similar ones from other people, so I guess my wife felt the need to stop them a little.

For Steve and Jessica, knowing the sex of their babies before they were born was never something important. Much of the clothes her daughter wears are clothes that her older brother once wore and that they bought even before he was born, so most of the clothes they have are gender neutral.

In general, he comments that the teachers' suggestion did not offend them, and that if someone said "child" to their daughter, it would not bother them either, because they would do so without knowing it. He thinks that these kinds of suggestions are probably made to know how to talk to parents about their child, since they have realized that people tend to make a lot of difference between both genders:

We have seen that while our son receives comments like "what a strong boy", when people know that our baby is a girl, he receives many comments such as "it is a beauty" or "how sweet it is". We also received more suggestions on what to do with it, which is funny because that information would have been very useful the first time when we were solving things on the go. But for some reason, it seems that people feel more comfortable making suggestions for girls, perhaps because they feel they are being protective or perhaps because of some unfortunate social principle, which makes people who have greater dominance over women believe, would not know say it

What Steve says is quite true, because although these ideas about the color of clothing that children should wear according to their gender are no longer so rigid, yes there are still many things in which the difference between boys and girls is noticeable.

An example of this is toys, because we can see that there is still sexism in the catalogs and their advertising. Athough it does not seems, we must be careful about the gender stereotypes that we transmit to our children, because these can condition many aspects of your life.

For our part, we love the way Jessica and Steve have handled the comment they made about dressing their daughter more feminine, regardless of the colors that your clothes, because everyone, boys and girls, can wear the color they want.

Video: Mother wants daughter to lose weight. What Would You Do? WWYD (July 2024).