A four-year-old boy calls 112 and saves his mother, while reassuring his newborn sister

The children do not stop surprising us and most of the time, for their incredible feats.

Thanks to a tweet from the Emergency Services of Castilla y León we know the case of Luca, a small Leonese who, at just four years old, he called 112 on Monday to help his mother, who could not move.

And as if that were not enough, while talking with doctors, took her sister in her arms for just 24 days to reassure her.

As the tweet of 112 says “This case shows us the importance of teaching children as soon as possible how to act in an emergency”, because it is clear that this little boy knew what he had to do.

Yesterday a 4-year-old boy helped his sick mother by calling # 112. He told us perfectly what was happening and where he was for the SSEE to go. This case shows us the importance of teaching as soon as possible how to act in case of emergency. //t.co/04qx9wi6fn

- 112 Castilla y León (@ emecyl112) September 4, 2018

An example to emulate

Luca's mother, who has chronic diabetes, was lying on the floor, disoriented and unable to move.

As reported by the COPE radio station, unlocked her mother's cell phone and called 112 for help and told them where they lived. Then, the emergency service asked the boy if he could open the door to the companions who were going to go to his house, and the little one answered yes with certainty.

While doctors and police arrived, the boy brought the phone to his mother so that the toilets could assess the situation. In addition, he took his little sister, only 24 days old and reassured her.

The importance of teaching them to ask for help: 112

  • Leave in the fridge attached with a magnet, the number of emergencies so they always have it in sight.

  • Tell them in what situations you should dial the phone: if mom or dad suffer an accident, if someone passes out, if a fire occurs ...

  • Show them how to make the emergency call from the landline or without unlocking the mobile.

  • Help them remember the home address and our phone number.

This child labor, described by 112 and his parents as "honors", highlights his courage and security to take care of his mother and sister in such a stressful situation.

The father of this last hero says that while the emergency services arrived, his son called 112 times to see how long they would take and yet he knew what to do while waiting. Therefore, ask the Emergency Center that if something similar happens, keep the child on the phone, because your child would have helped.

The 112, says take note of the point, and highlight that Luca left impressed and, to us, also for how well he reacted. His mother says he is alive thanks to him and that the boy learned in school how to act during an emergency. Congratulations on your little hero!

Other similar cases

But it is not the only case of children acting as guardian angels of adults. In recent months we have talked about Youssef, a nine-year-old boy from Madrid, who also saved his mother's life by calling 112. And Roman, who in 2017, with only four years, also called the emergency service with the Siri's help when his mother passed out at home.

These examples show that teaching our children what to do in emergencies and how to perform a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (when they are already able to do it) or simply dial 112, can help them solve a serious problem when we cannot help you.

It is also shown that our children's love for social networks can be helpful in difficult situations. Chloe, 10, he helped in the delivery of his aunt and took care of the newborn until the emergency services arrived, as I had seen in YouTube videos.

Benjamin Ford, a boy from Virginia, United States, saved the life of a classmate who had choked Thanks to a documentary he saw with his mother about First Aid.

Photos | iStock
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