How much do you talk to your son?

At the gates of the XVIII National Congress of the Society of Social Pediatrics that will be held this Saturday in Palma de Mallorca, some information emerges from a truly amazing study, lChildren between 4 and 12 years talk with their parents about five or ten minutes a day, while television accompanies them about three and a half hours a day, so who educates children?

We know that there are families in which at least one of the parents (if not both), have very large working hours, rotating schedules, etc., it is generally the job that prevents parents from spending more time with their children and dedicating them All the attention they need. Many parents arrive home at ten o'clock at night, children have been sleeping for a while, in these cases not even five minutes of conversation are possible. Are you in a similar situation? Children need it, talk, ask, listen and play with their parents, but they get used to the absence of the parent and replace it with entertainment that does not provide them with the necessary education, then there are problems of communication, depression, school failure ...

This is a very complicated issue that in each household can have a different solution, but it is an issue that will be addressed in the National Congress of the Society of Social Pediatrics among others, such as those related to child abuse, sexual abuse minors or immigrant minors.

Video: That's the way you talk to your son. (July 2024).