It is important to control the weight gain in pregnancy, but it is necessary to start taking care of yourself much sooner

During pregnancy it is very important that we have a healthy diet and whenever possible, exercise to keep fit and prepare for the time of delivery. However, waiting for a pregnancy to begin to do so is not recommended.

A new study found that, in the case of overweight women, It is possible and safe to exercise and take a special diet to avoid excessive weight gain during pregnancy, however this does not help reduce your chances of suffering certain complications related to your weight.

The issue of excessive weight gain in pregnancy is one that has always been worrying, due to the fact that This increases the chance of pregnant women having complications such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia or hypertension, among others, as well as having babies with greater birth weight.

Controlling the increase in kilos during pregnancy is something that all women should take into account, regardless of their initial weight, although In the case of those who are overweight or obese, this is even more important.

Recently, the results of a study whose purpose was Know if through diet and exercise, overweight women could maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy, and also, if this could potentially reduce the rate of the complications we mentioned.

The results were mixed. On the one hand, it was found that to begin a program of exercise and healthy eating at the beginning of the second trimester, women avoided excessive weight gain during pregnancy. But nevertheless, this did not help reduce the rate of gestational diabetes, hypertension and other complications.

The researchers comment that these results are both positive and negative. Positive on the side that it is possible that overweight women can safely and effectively control the increase in kilos in pregnancy. Negatives on the side that this is not enough and this type of care should be done before seeking a pregnancy.

We have previously talked about pregnancies when you are overweight or obese and about the complications that may occur because of this. And while it had been said that exercising during pregnancy could help reduce the occurrence of complications, this proves that it is not enough.

This study reminds us of something we had previously mentioned: not waiting to be pregnant to control weight and keep obesity at bay. Not only for seeking a pregnancy, but also for the health of us as women, we must start taking these care from before and always seek to have a more active and healthy life.