The evolution of the family in Europe 2007

The future of the Spanish family seems uncertain, according to a report prepared by the Family Policy Institute, Spain is the country in the European Union that has suffered the most divorces and abortions during the last 10 years.

One of those responsible for the study The evolution of the family in Europe 2007, argues that this situation has a lot to do with the scarce aid that Spanish families receive, also indicates that our country dedicates only a fifth of aid to the family with respect to other countries of the member states. There is really little help received, and as Eduardo Hertfeler, director of the study says, administrations have little will to change this situation. Those who pay mostly the consequences of family break-up are children, trying to minimize the break-up as much as possible even in a small number is a big step. In many families, improving the situation they present can reverse in a better mood and face problems optimistically, since sometimes it is the economic, labor problems that are responsible for some ruptures.

In Spain, the number of divorces has exploded alarmingly, growing to 183% in a period from 1995 to 2005, a figure far from the second classified, Portugal with 89%.

Concluding, the report asks for more help in favor of the family, the data is available to everyone, Spain and Poland are the countries that spend less money on this issue. A little reflection, all political organizations should consider the following situation, rulers pass, political parties dominate and cease to dominate, but the family is always present, citizens are always there. It is necessary in this aspect that everyone agrees and provides the appropriate support to the family if what they want is to improve the situation of the Spanish population.

Video: European Family Pride 2007 (July 2024).