The family is primarily responsible for the spread of childhood pertussis.

Although, thanks to vaccination, cases of pertussis have been greatly reduced, many cases still occur. Recall that whooping cough or convulsive cough is a very contagious infectious disease that causes an uncontrollable and strong cough. It can affect the entire population, but children under five are the most vulnerable. This respiratory infection can cause serious problems for babies and children.

A team of researchers from the University of North Carolina, in Chapel Hill, has studied by what means the children of whooping cough are infected, for this they gathered the data of children diagnosed in the laboratory, from whom they found out their environment and with whom They had been in touch.

The result speaks for itself, in cases of infected children whose path of infection could be known, Up to 82% were family members responsible. In the first place is the parents (55%), secondly the brothers (16%), followed by uncles (10%), friends and cousins ​​(10%), grandparents (6%) and the caregivers or babysitters of the children (2%).

This study is not too explicit, but it shows us that vaccination in young people and adults is necessary to avoid making children victims, a significant incidence of childhood pertussis would really be eliminated.

Video: June 2013 ACIP Meeting -- Pertussis Vaccines (July 2024).