Dad, your children will follow your example: love and respect your partner

As mothers and fathers, we know that we are in charge of many or almost all aspects of our children. We make sure that nothing is needed and we make sure to take care of your physical and emotional well-being. But there is also another aspect that we should be aware of, and it is the example we give them.

That is why today I want to dedicate this article to parents, in which I invite them to treat their partners with respect and affection, because their relationship will be the example to be followed for the future of their children.

Both are examples

Before continuing, I want to clarify that With this, I not only say that it is the work of the fathers, but also the mothers should turn with respect and affection towards their partners. A relationship is something that is built by two people, and it is up to both of us to set a good example.

Remember that the environment in which our children develop will be of great influence for their personal growth, and that living together in a place where you live respect, tolerance, love and other positive values, will help you to have a good emotional education on our part.

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In general, all the attachment figures children have in their lives will help set an example for the relationships they will have in their adult lives, but today in particular, I would like to dedicate some words to all parents.

Dad: love and respect your partner

Today I want to invite you to pay special attention to your partner. Think about it a little, and look at her beyond her mother's role. When the children arrive, they are accompanied by a series of monumental changes that they will have to live and work as a team.

Having family, it's easy for priorities to change and that without this being our intention, let's neglect a couple's relationship a bit. In the case of women, we go through a total transformation, which leaves us with a new version of ourselves that we sometimes do not even know, making everything a little more complicated.

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This is when we most need your love, support and company. It is important that when the children arrive, the couple is not neglected. But I don't just say it because it's important for both of us, but because it will also be important for your children.

Embrace your partner, take care of her, love her, respect her, admire her. Your children are watching and will follow your example. Treat her how you want your daughter to be treated and how you want your child to treat her partner. They will see in you and learn from both, about the relationship.

The model of a respectful and affectionate man is not only a mirror for girls, but also for boys. From you they will learn that they must be respected and treated with love, and they will learn to care, love and value their partner.

And the parents separated?

Although this is done in general speaking of parents who live or are together, in case of being separated it is also important to set a good example, and try to have a friendly treatment and a respectful relationship on both sides. The fact of no longer being in a couple or having divorced does not mean that this deal is lost, the least in front of them, because as I said, our children are watching.

So dads (and moms), remember that we are the example for the future relationships of our children: treat your partner with love and respectWell, it will be beneficial for everyone.

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Video: Be The Person You Want Your Kids To Be. Dhar Mann (July 2024).