Sexual positions that favor the conception of the baby

There are many popular legends that circulate about what it is the best position to get a pregnancy When making love.

Although there is no scientific study that indicates which position is most likely to be conceived, there are logical reasons that make some better than others.

Of course, those that allow sperm to be as close as possible to the cervix are preferable and in which gravity plays in favor.

Many experts agree that the best position to achieve pregnancy is one of the classic ones, that of the missionary, that is, with the man on top of the woman.

Two other recommendations, because they make the penetration deeper, are the position of the prayer (the man behind or on top of the woman) and lying on his side with the man behind the woman.

If you prefer more varieties it is not a bad idea to review the Kamasutra and choose the ones that best meet the previous premises.

What is the best position to get pregnant?

By opposition, the positions to be avoided if you are at search for a baby they are those that make it difficult for semen to penetrate the vagina like those in which the woman is on top of the man, sitting or standing because, logically, gravity causes her to arrive less waiting, reducing the chances of getting pregnant.

But in addition to the positions there are other small tricks. There are also those who say that by placing a pillow under the woman's hip to elevate the pelvis, gravity causes the sperm to have a direct path to the tubes. It is not an infallible recommendation, but trying it does not lose anything.

What I have heard more than once is the advice of lying down until an hour after the sexual intercourse to allow sperm to begin their journey through the uterus.

About orgasm, they say that it is important for women to have it because the contractions that occur in the uterus facilitate the sperm's race to the egg.

I hope that with these postural tips practiced in the fertile days of the cycle of women added to a certain frequency in relationships (day by day are recommended during the central week of the cycle) you can achieve the long-awaited pregnancy, in addition to enjoying it, that already We have said that the obsession to get pregnant is not good and causes the sexual act to become merely reproductive.

Video: Best sex positions if you're hoping to conceive a baby boy (July 2024).