The EU asks to increase gymnastic hours in schools

Sedentary lifestyle is not only practiced at home, but also in schools, according to Eurocamara data, in recent years sports activities in schools have been reduced 12 minutes a week, and although it seems insignificant, it is not.

Although many parents still think that they prefer that their children do math or language because they will find it more useful in their future than gymnastics, it is in the public domain that sport and physical activity is a necessary practice since childhood to forge good health avoiding also overweight and obesity. And tell them these.

That is why the European Parliament has approved the report that makes this request to EU colleges and institutes, impart mandatory three hours of gymnastics weekly. In this report they indicate that children are not obese because they eat more (although there will be cases and cases), but that they move less and are less in shape than children of other previous generations, such as the 70s or 80s.

Another quotation that we find interesting to highlight from those that appear in the report is that "physical education is the only subject that prepares children for a healthy lifestyle and focuses on their physical and mental development." This is necessary that we all have it clear, because in addition to school, parents are the ones who must continue to convince our children of how good it is to sit down to play sports every day.

We think it is a good measure that we hope will not affect the other subjects of great value, although we should give a good review of the curricula in general.

Video: Miami Gymnastics School (July 2024).