Children do not receive the necessary education about healthy habits

A few days ago we were alerted to a story that emerged after a study conducted by the Sanitas Foundation in which they said that some children care about their weight from 6 years of age. This is not the only surprising result of the study, there are more, including that children do not have adequate supervision in their diet.

Much is said about the lack of education about healthy habits, but it is true, parents do not have enough time for this purpose, and this is demonstrated in the study, Children eat breakfast alone, they are served pre-cooked dishes, they are not motivated to play sports ...

For example, in Madrid, more than half of the mothers surveyed work outside the home, that prevents them from being with their children at breakfast time, they recognize that their cooking habits have also changed, they are worried that their children will eat but they Information is lacking to provide a balanced diet.

Labor and family conciliation barely has a presence in our country and this will be suffered by the new generations. There are always cases and exceptions, but what predominates is the stress in society and the lack of dedication of parents to their children.