Increased risk of autism for very premature children

As Chio told us, this week the World Autism Awareness Day was just celebrated for the first time, a more common disorder than previously thought and with a long way to go to investigate and get to know its causes and treatments.

Magazine "Pediatrics" He has published data that inform that children born very prematurely and with extremely low weight are at a higher risk of suffering from autism. This is a study that must be confirmed in future research, according to the same researchers.

The analysis has been performed at McGill University in Canada, with the conclusion that one in four babies born very prematurely showed early signs of autism, a risk that increases in those who presented a smaller size at birth.

The investigation was carried out with 91 children (who were born with less than 1.5 kilos) through an initial autism detection test performed on 21 months of age: suspicions of the disorder were found in 23 of the 91 children.

The risk was higher among those born with a smaller size and those born to mothers who suffered a prenatal infection or bleeding.

In any case, as always in these cases, the researchers show caution and point out that we are facing a preliminary study and that the final conclusions will come in the following study. Any investigation is welcome in this area where there is so much to know and in which more and more cases are diagnosed.

Video: Preemies Facing Autism Risk (July 2024).