Balanced diet and pregnancy. Expert Advice

It's not about eating for two but about eat well. And although we always look for (and find) excuses for not being able to carry a proper diet, pregnancy is the best time to fulfill good purposes.

Dr. Ignacio Ferrando, director of Sanitas Medical Programs, believes that the key to a perfect pregnancy is to make a diet as balanced as possible. According to him, weight gain in a pregnancy should not exceed 13 kilos, but do not obsess with it because it is not the best time to lose weight, unless the doctor tells you to.

The recommended calorie intake is around 2.000 until the last three months of pregnancy. These are his dietary tips:

  • Take folic acid supplements from the moment we start thinking about having offspring
  • 70% of our diet should be made up of bread, cereals and potatoes. Better integrals
  • At least 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables
  • 2 to 3 servings a day of protein: meat, fish, eggs, nuts or legumes
  • 2 to 3 servings of dairy products in skimmed version

He also states that what is due ingesting for two are the nutrients and not the calories. Specifically, it speaks of: calcium (essential for the development of teeth and bones of the baby), iron (for the formation of red blood cells in the blood) and essential fatty acids Omega 3 (important for the brain and the development of baby's nervous system).

He recommends increasing the intake of some vitamins such as vitamin C to absorb iron, D to absorb calcium and vitamin B12 to have healthy blood.

However, he does not use iodine when there is currently a campaign between UNICEF and some health departments for women to take before and during pregnancy to prevent mental retardation of the newborn.

Of course, all those nutrients can be obtained from fresh food or with natural supplements such as brewer's yeast, wheat germ and others, instead of taking chemical vitamin complexes, but this will depend a lot on each pregnant woman (lifestyle, usual diet, knowledge) and her doctor.every master has his own trick.

Personally I recommend buying a good book of feeding in pregnancy in which examples of breakfast, lunch and dinner appear and offer us many suggestions.

The important thing is that we take food very, very seriously at this time, after all we get pregnant very rarely in a lifetime.

The effort and responsibility will never be as worthwhile as now.

Video: Morning sickness during pregnancy and how to deal with it. (July 2024).