Protect your children online

Children are interested in the world of internet at an earlier age. It is not uncommon to see children as young as 2 or 3 years old putting their noses in the net.

In this situation, parents should be cautious and establish certain guidelines for use as soon as possible so that the matter does not get out of hand. We also have to start worrying about the contents that our children could see and then with those who interact on the web to ensure a safe use of the computer.

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics and Microsoft join to deal with this issue and protect minors on the Internet. He bases his plan on two very important pillars.

On the one hand, they have created an orientation guide with recommendations for parents and children for safer use of the Internet, and on the other they have developed a child protection tool designed by Microsoft. This is downloaded for free and is very easily configured on the family computer allowing parents to establish a level of protection for children to navigate safely through the network.

These are very important initiatives that, in addition to providing us with the tool to solve it (and for free), offer us information about the correct use of the network. It allows parents to take precautions since children are young to avoid problems in the future.

I will take into account the application because my 3-year-old girl is already beginning to be interested in some children's sites.

Video: Why you should be spying on your kids. Richard Wistocki. TEDxNaperville (July 2024).