The influence of the mother during the first year of life is decisive

The first year of life is key to the formation of the child's personality. The experiences and sensations that live in the first months decisively influence the formation of his personality.

In this period, the mother plays a fundamental role. Already from conception a very strong bond is established with the baby, which is enhanced by pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and continues during the first months (and years) of life.

A very interesting study conducted by researchers at the University of Chicago along with the University of Indiana evidence how the way the mother interacts with the baby the first year is related to the subsequent behavior that children will have between 4 and 13 years.

They studied 1,863 babies and their mothers to determine that the temperament of babies added to the stimulation received during this period helps determine future behavioral problems.

According to the results, children who had been less capricious and the most predictable in their reactions during the first year had a lower risk of conflicting behavior in the future such as being cheats, liars, having problems with teachers at school, disobedient attitudes and absence of regrets after bad behavior.

The same happened with children who had not been adequately served in their demands and those who had received low levels of cognitive stimulation from the mothers.

The study also dealt with children who had received physical punishment. Receiving cheeks or cakes during childhood also served, although it clarifies that only slightly, to predict later more severe behavior problems. This last assessment does not convince me at all since I believe that children should not be hit, neither in the first year nor ever, even if it has little influence on their future behavior.

Anyway, in general I interpret that the study confirms what I consider one of the keys to a good education. It shows that a loving upbringing based on stimulation and especially affection predisposes children to be better people.

Although research has focused on mothers because they are the main reference figure in the first months of life, I consider that parents also play a fundamental role in parenting and that their commitment is equally decisive when defining personality. of the children

Video: Secrets to Gaining Awareness from Failure. Tim Storey on Impact Theory (July 2024).