Some reasons why breastfeeding is good for women

Breastfeeding a baby provides enormous benefits both for your physical and emotional health and for your intellectual development. It is also very positive for the environment as we have seen. But women We continue to find reasons why breastfeeding is complicated or difficult, although many of them are false myths or issues that can be overcome with the necessary support and information.

Until a little over a century ago we humans fed human babies with milk of our kind. Women who could not or did not want to breastfeed went to nurses, professionals or family members. But breastfeeding is not something that is good only for families in countries with less abundance of resources. Breastfeeding is what nature has planned for humans. And it is something full of positive reasons for us.

Today we have come to think that breastfeeding is not really good for women. Advertising and the economic system make us feel that freeing ourselves from the chest is necessary, when what it does is deprive us of many things that can help us improve our lives. That's why it is worth remembering some reasons breastfeeding is good for women. The health, emotional and physical benefits for women are many and continue throughout our lives, even when breastfeeding has already ceased. It doesn't hurt to take them into account.

  • The body of the human female is designed for breastfeeding Breastfeeding is normal, normal in our species. It is not more modern or freer to break with what the female body does naturally.
  • Breastfeeding it's possible in all women except a small number of special cases for medical reasons. The real causes of hypolactia are related to thyroid problems. If there is little milk, the usual reason is an incorrect posture of suction, the introduction of "aids" or not allowing free access to the newborn's breast. These and other problems can be solved in almost all cases with support and advice.
  • He natural reproductive cycle of women and other mammals is formed by conception, pregnancy, childbirth and lactation. Not only that, but breastfeeding is possible even for adoptive mothers. No one, no laboratory or industry can make a better product than we do. And it is a matter of pride not to be replaced.
  • Sucking the baby immediately after delivery stimulates the uterine contractions and expulsion of the placenta. The uterus returns more quickly to its shape and size.
  • Baby sucking after delivery prevents bleeding postpartum and that is one of the most serious postpartum complications that a woman can suffer.
  • The oxytocin, the love hormone, favors the formation of the mother-child bond. It makes us feel more united and happier.
  • The best child health Thanks to breastfeeding, it helps the mother to be healthier and happier.
  • Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, the greatest benefits being the longer the lactation lasts.
  • Breastfeeding favors a lower rate of osteoporosis once weaning occurs, not having to do the duration of breastfeeding with increased osteoporosis.
  • In many cases it can help reduce kilos earned in excess And not, It does not spoil the chest. And of course, it is cheaper than the substitutes.

There are a few reasons that offset the advantages, if any, of not voluntarily breastfeeding. Let's consider them before deciding.

Video: Attaching Your Baby at the Breast Breastfeeding Series (July 2024).