"Teenage Mothers" and breastfeeding on demand

A few days ago we talked, and no doubt he has given a lot and will give, of the program Teenage Mothers. One of the issues that I think was worse was the concept of breastfeeding on demand and I think it is necessary to clarify it.

First, I would like to explain that in Spain there is a huge number of health professionals with training and commitment to breastfeeding, pediatricians and midwives who have expanded their knowledge significantly. They participate in initiatives to promote breastfeeding and before giving advice without support they feed on the best researchers. We can, for example, read them on the page of the Breastfeeding Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics.

In addition there are lactation consultants, expert mothers, who have completed specialized courses in breastfeeding, have breastfed their children and have participated in support groups to add to the theoretical training the practice of mother-to-mother care. Their degree, although not an official career, allows them to serve women with knowledge and empathy.

We can find them through breastfeeding support groups that meet in the Spanish Federation of Breastfeeding Groups (FEDALMA) and are supported by the training plans of the International Lactation Consultant Association, Lacmat or La Liga de la Leche among others. Getting one of these accreditations carries with it training courses of enormous depth and demonstrable experience in support groups for mothers.

I am sure that none of them talk about the clock when they talk about breastfeeding on demand. Because the breastfeeding on demand if it is breastfeeding when the child asks for it, no clock, without duration of the shots, without intervals (neither of three nor of half an hour). Any advice in this regard stems from the ignorance of the natural mechanism of supply and demand in breastfeeding and from a much simpler thing: a baby to whom you offer the tit and does not love it, does not breastfeed. Do not put half an hour between take or take as advised in the program. If a baby does not want milk, do not breastfeed. The tit serves to quench thirst, the need for contact, communication. Do not restrict access to the chest.

I consider myself, despite prolonged breastfeeding, to take years participating in support groups and enough knowledge, not sufficiently trained to become a lactation consultant and much less a television program. When I have the slightest doubt I consult with the experts I have cited. And I sincerely believe that the person who assumes giving breastfeeding advice in a large audience program must be someone with specific training, qualifications and experience. If these conditions had been fulfilled in the program Teenage Mothers surely the advice given in the program would not lead to mistakes to anyone.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).