Cooked ham, a good option for the little ones

One of the first recommended solid foods to introduce in the diet of babies and that form Ideal part of a balanced diet also when the little ones grow is cooked ham. In this food we find a good presence of iron and a high protein content, rich in the essential amino acids for the body.

In addition, it is a meat of low caloric density and low saturated fat content, so it will not contribute to excessive weight gain, and what it also brings are the benefits of omega 3. On the market there are variants of low-salt cooked ham, which are also recommended.

As to whether to buy it packaged or cut, whenever there is the second option it is more advisable, since we eliminate the excess of preservatives and other additives that use the packaged products.

It is also advisable to eliminate the fatty parts that the ham slice may have. We must bear in mind that cured ham contains triple the salt than cooked, so its intake is not recommended for younger children.

So, thanks to all these benefits, cooked ham is a good choice, both for our children and for pregnant women, which with this cooked option avoid toxoplasmosis. You can even add cooked ham to delicious salads to make a rich nutritious snack for moms and children.

Video: The 3 Best & Worst Protein Sources for a Keto Diet (July 2024).