Are 16-year-old girls able to decide on abortion?

A few days ago we brought Babies and more the news of the approval, by the Government, of free abortion until three and a half months of gestation.

Following this measure, the Ministry of Equality and the PSOE itself recommend that the Government eliminate the exclusion of abortion from the Patient Autonomy Law.

This would make 16-year-old girls could interrupt their pregnancies without the consent of the parents or guardians.

The debate is served and the ABC newspaper has wanted to know the opinion of doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists about it.

Arturo Canalda, Ombudsman for Children of the Community of Madrid understands that it is a decision that "You cannot, under any circumstances, steal from the knowledge and consent of the parents who, in the exercise of parental authority, must give full support to their daughters."

Paloma De Cendra, an expert psychologist in pregnancy crisis, understands that "If the decision to abort is already difficult for any woman, much more is for a minor, who still does not have, by age, or experience, or the necessary maturity or knowledge".

According to the psychologist the Government tries to transmit to the minors “A message of encouragement, to push her towards abortion” and to make them understand that they can do it without consulting anyone. What is recommended in a difficult pregnancy situation is "Turn to your nearest or broader family and then go to professionals and experts to advise you."

“What will happen in many cases is that the child will call an abortion center and will find that they meet her for the same afternoon and with that single opinion, abortion is going to be irreversible and its consequences physical, but above all psychic, unpredictable ”.

Carmen Gómez Lavín, psychiatrist and expert in post-abortion syndrome talks about the proposal as a "a nonsense. In general, at age 16 you do not have the necessary maturity to make this decision alone. A girl of that age He has no idea of ​​life, nor is he able to value his act and the only thing that comes to mind is to remove the problem, without paying attention to consequences and consequences. I have a full consultation of women who aborted when they were teenagers and many years later they suffer psychopathologies triggered because they see an ultrasound or relive an experience that reminds them of that episode they thought they had forgotten. I have even a grandmother with post-abortion syndrome because she forced her granddaughter to terminate the pregnancy ”.

As you can see, the general opinion of these professionals is that a 16-year-old girl is unable to make a mature decision for herself and needs her parents' support to overcome or address the problem.

I agree that it is advisable to have that paternal support in the face of any adversity and, as a father, I would like my children to trust me on occasions of this nature.

However, one thing is to support and accompany and another is to decide. Even if a hypothetical daughter of mine asked me for my help I could only offer her my opinion, my advice and finally my support in the decision she will make.

Be more or less capable, it must be these girls who decide. According to these professionals, “they have no idea what life is like,” but by this rule of three they are neither prepared to decide on an abortion, nor are they prepared for a pregnancy, nor are they ready to be mothers. It seems to me a lot to assume and much to belittle.

Video: 11-year-old rape victim couldn't have abortion under new Ohio law (July 2024).