Nana Vieja: a story about death for children (and the elderly)

Death is one of the taboo themes that remain in our culture. It seems that in the era of technological advances and welfare society, allusions to death have no place.

But the bad thing about death is that it is not necessary to talk about it to appear. In the child's environment it can always arise and, if you have enough maturity to suffer it, you can also fantasize about it. Nana Vieja is a story to give you the opportunity to experience in your imagination A terrible idea but real and inevitable.

Through a fable with animals, the experience of a grandmother and a granddaughter is told in their last days together. He talks about facing death with courage and responsibility, leaving as a mark on the world a transmission of knowledge and attitudes to others.

It is an emotionally hard reading that benefits the parents in the first place but that, when the restlessness arises in the child or when we think it is convenient to anticipate a grieving process (the process that is elaborated when a loved one is lost) by having someone Sick relative, we can leave you within reach.

Although the subject is so sad, the way to express it without euphemisms or bluntness but with a vital attitude, seems like a commitment to treat children with the respect that they are beings that need to understand the world to live in it.

In my opinion, educating "little people" who face problems and difficulties from consciousness, is a privilege that we will give them for their entire lives.

A final reference to the characteristics of the story is that the images perfectly complement the text and that the word death does not appear once.

32 pages | ISBN: 980-257-234-9 | 12 euros

Video: Biblical Series IV: Adam and Eve: Self-Consciousness, Evil, and Death (May 2024).