Tips to relieve fluid retention in pregnancy

One of the most typical discomforts of pregnancy, which is accentuated in the last months of pregnancy and more especially during the summer, is the fluid retention.

It manifests as a feeling of heaviness, fatigue and swelling of the legs and ankles, a situation that usually increases at the end of the day.

We must not forget that two thirds of the weight gained at the end of pregnancy is liquid, so it is normal for the excess to be distributed in the body.

Why does it occur?

It derives from a circulatory disorder because the volume of the gut compresses the blood vessels that carry blood from the lower limbs to the heart. That tension causes fluid to accumulate in the tissues.

On the other hand, the hormonal changes produced during pregnancy and the increase in blood flow during pregnancy also favor its occurrence.

Women with kidney and heart disorders are themselves more likely to suffer fluid retention in pregnancy, favored by excess sodium and lack of water.

How to relieve it

There is many tips we can follow to relieve fluid retention, for example:

  • Rest with raised legs. We should not sit and place our legs on a bedside table because in this way we compress the blood vessels even more. We must lie down and raise our legs at least 15 centimeters above the rest of the body or lie on the floor (or in bed) and place our legs on a wall. Staying about 20 minutes in that position works wonders to relieve swollen legs.

  • Remove salt from our diet. We must avoid salting food and eliminating excessively salty foods such as bag fries and snacks. Canned foods should also be eliminated as they contain a large amount of salt and sodium. These substances make our body tend to accumulate fluids that it does not need.

  • Instead, prefer prepared foods at home and control the process of making each dish. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables that contain high doses of potassium necessary to regulate our body.

  • Drink plenty of water. Contrary to what one might believe, consuming a lot of water helps us purify the body of toxins. We can also use natural juices, fruit and vegetable smoothies, soups or cold infusions. Good hydration will help relieve heat and decrease swelling of the body.

  • Cold showers. In summer we will be phenomenal to cool off, but also pass the shower with cold water on the legs giving a gentle massage works miracles, in addition to toning. It decompresses the tension of the blood vessels favoring the circulation of blood and reducing swelling.

  • Massages with refreshing creams. Massaging your feet and legs (or asking someone to do so) is also a good remedy. Lymphatic drainage is done by gently massaging from the feet to the thighs, thus eliminating tissue stagnation. To do it you can choose a refreshing gel based on eucalyptus and rosemary (if you keep it stored in the fridge, better).

  • Practice moderate exercise. We have commented many times on the enormous benefits of exercise during pregnancy. Swimming, doing a daily walk or yoga are highly recommended practices to promote circulation and relieve fluid retention.

  • Sleep on the side, preferably on the left side. Sleeping on your back causes compression of the vena cava and hinders the blood flow of the lower limbs to the heart.

With these simple tricks you can minimize fluid retention and relieve discomfort. In any case, you should consult your doctor because if the retention is excessive, that is, it extends to the face, neck and hands, it could be a sign of preclampsia, a serious disease characterized by an increase in tension in pregnancy.

Video: Pregnancy Health Tips : Treating Swollen Feet During Pregnancy (July 2024).