Kisses to the babies of others

It is one of the customs that gives me more anger, not to say disgust: the mania that people have to go kissing the babies of others. For several reasons: respect for the mother, respect for the child and hygiene, I think it is a custom to learn to control.

And there is no way to get rid, relatives and neighbors stop the poor newly born moms and leave the poor helpless little creature full of drool and germs.

In the end, no one understands that the mother's mother will have her insides turned when anyone thinks she has the right to take her baby in her arms and kiss him. Many are bothered but they keep quiet and blame themselves for that normal feeling, just like that of the brooding chickens or the wolves in their den. Part of caring for the recent mother is respect for these irrational emotions, which can disturb her intensely. She also deserves and needs care. And it will be difficult for him to say that he prefers not to touch the child for fear of offending us, so I think that, in principle, we must refrain from kissing and touching the babies of others, especially newborns.

The baby cannot refuse be kissed on the face or handyman, or taken in arms by whoever it is. He can't move and can't communicate except crying. So we have to be the parents who put limits on the effusions of visitors. If the child is not comfortable, no arms, and of course, with his mom or dad if he cries.

From a young age you have to show them that their body belongs to them and nobody, not a relative or a stranger, has the right to invade their privacy or to touch them if they are not comfortable. Nor, when they are a little older, no one should kiss them if the affectionate gesture does not start from the child, and of course, you should never force them by mandate or by blackmail to kiss anyone they do not want to kiss.

In addition, when someone arrived and took my baby or kissed him, I thought about whether that person had washed their hands after using the bathroom or touching anything on public transport. How disgusting he gave me. And coughing and small remnants of saliva from kisses I knew they were loaded with germs. Babies have an immune system that is not fully developed, even if they receive antibodies from breast milk, premature infections should be avoided.

A mild cold can end in bronchiolitis. I do not say that we have to have them isolated or in a bubble, but do not rush to allow they kiss them malittle girls who then put them in their mouths or anybody breathe them in the face

Until now it was very difficult to refuse without anyone being offended. Now, something good had to bring influenza A, we already have the perfect excuse. It is recommended neither kiss nor shake hands to prevent the spread and spread of influenza A.

If doctors say so, call them exaggerated, but you already have the perfect excuse to avoid kissing your babies If it bothers you like me. And in addition, it is a measure of prevention of fundamental infections.

Video: BABY JEALOUS - Babies Get JEALOUS When Mom KISSES Dad Compilation 2017. NEWHD (July 2024).