A father punishes his daughter to walk in the rain to school for bullying and publishes it in networks

Matt Cox is a father from Ohio (United States), who recorded from his car to his ten year old daughter walking to school in the rain for eight kilometers. He called it "life lesson", in response to the girl's harassment of a classmate on the school route, and posted it on his Facebook account.

The punishment has attracted the attention of many people and of course, the reactions, for and against, were swift. And it is not the first time that we encounter similar punishments.

A controversial lesson

His daughter Kirsten was suspended from the school transportation service for the second time So far this year, for harassing one of his classmates twice. So when he told his father that he would have to take him by car, Matt replied that it was not his obligation and wanted to give him, according to his words on social networks "a life lesson", and is happy with the results:

"Lesson learned! He still has all his limbs intact, is happy and healthy and seems to have a new perspective on bullying, as well as a new appreciation of some of the simple things in life he used to take for granted. "

Matt was in the car behind his daughter. While recording the video, he was explaining the reasons that led him to make this decision:

"Bullying is unacceptable, especially in my house. Last Friday my daughter brought me the school notification explaining that she had been expelled from the school route for harassing a classmate. This is the second time this course has passed. "

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The most curious thing is the girl's reaction to the suspension and her father's response:

"'Daddy, you are going to have to take me to school next week.' But as you can see, this morning she is learning the lesson differently. Many children today believe that what their parents do for them in a right and not a privilege, like taking them to school in the morning or even going by bus. "

So Matt points out, while looking at the girl in front walking:

"This morning, my beautiful daughter, will walk five miles (two kilometers) to school with a temperature of 36º F (2º C)".

Recognize that many of those who watch the video will not agree with this decision and understand it. But:

"I think I'm doing the right thing to teach my daughter a lesson and stop bullying. So kids, if you're watching this video, understand that bullying is unacceptable anywhere and won't be accepted."

Reactions for and against

As the author of the recording advanced, the video has generated many reactions on Facebook, both positive and negative, and a new debate has been created on what is the correct way to educate children.

It has been reproduced more than 22 million times, shared another 414,961 and received 84,000 comments. Although it is impossible to comment on each one of them, the general feeling leans toward clapping the father:

"Thank you so much for teaching this to your daughter. How I wish other parents would do it"

"This is a lesson you will not soon forget ... It may cause you to reconsider the consequences of your actions next time."

But also, criticism of the father from all parts of the world and warn that:

"Bullies copy intimidation from somewhere. Parents who bully their daughters are typically a cause for them to bully others."

"Any parent who does this or thinks that this is acceptable punishment should be arrested for child abuse. There are better ways to teach children not to bully. Being a bully with a child makes it a bully for others. children are not born bad, their parents teach them to be bad and their parents set the example. "

Is it necessary to make it public?

But in addition, an associated topic has been brought to light: Is it necessary to share the story on social networks? Is it necessary to show the world the humiliation to which it has been subjected by its father? As in everything, there are conflicting opinions:

"The lesson, perfect. Record it and expose it to the whole world, scary."

"Publishing it is also educating others. The girl is not seen."

The avalanche has been such that the father published a new post trying, he writes, to respond to the most controversial comments. Among other things he explains:

Am i a bully?

"No. Whoever makes my daughter responsible for her own actions and punishes her does not mean that I am a bully. It means that I am a father who tries to teach his daughter that life has consequences and that we have to take responsibility for them. I am a father trying to teach his daughter that it is not right to be mean to others because words and actions can have effects for a lifetime and sometimes effects that end the lives of others. trying to teach his daughter that not everything is a right, that there are many privileges in life and that we have to be grateful for them. None of that makes me a bully. "

Have I publicly embarrassed my daughter by publishing the video on the Internet?

"No, not at all. I didn't degrade her in any way by saying bad things about her. By posting it on the Internet, I showed that I will hold my children accountable for their actions. If anyone feels ashamed, they should be the parents they choose. not to hold their children accountable because they want to be their friends and they worry that their children don't get mad at them or how they are seen by others. It is this way of thinking that causes children to feel that their actions have no consequence and they can say and do whatever they want, no matter how it affects others. "

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Did you learn from the experience?

"Yes, he learned to appreciate the simple things in life he used to take for granted, such as bus trips to school, as well as others we discussed in our different talks. He also learned a lot about how words and actions can harm people being able to sit down and share many of the comments of people's past experiences with bullying and how it has affected them. "

Is it a good punishment against bullying?

From my point of view, it doesn't have to be the right one, much less (it's just my personal opinion) I think this punishment is not the most appropriate. As experts advise, before making a decision, we should look for the cause that causes the child to bully his peers, what is happening to him.

Because bullying is not only a matter of children, but also of the education they receive at home and at school, and it is clear that we as educators do not have to look the other way, and educate them on values ​​from an early age.

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But that does not mean that we have to give them master lessons such as walking in the rain and cold for eight kilometers. Behind a stalker who uses intimidation and violence to subdue, a child with zero tolerance for frustration usually hides.

But, as I tried to make clear from the beginning, this is my mother's opinion. Everyone who judges as he sees fit.

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