Telmo and Tula teach us crafts

We already talk about these children's characters, Telmo and Tula, who star in a children's series that bears their names and is broadcast daily on Playhouse Disney and Disney Channel. They were little chefs, with simple recipes for children. Now Telmo and Tulma have become craft teachers.

The two nice children get to work to create the most varied crafts at home and in their workshop. The protagonists of the series are three characters (neckless and quite flat, but it is a 3D animation series): the little ones Telmo and Tula and Adult, which is always quiet and helps children to perform dangerous tasks that they cannot do on their own.

I like this series because of its short duration, which manages to capture children's attention and because the craft proposals are quite simple. Before embarking on the craft task, they present us with the materials we need one by one, and they are usually materials that we usually find at home.

That is, we will not have to go out to buy or spend a lot of money to perform the crafts of Telmo and Tula. Even many materials are recycled, such as empty containers. Afterwards, the children explain step by step how the craft is made, and if there is any dangerous step, such as using scissors, they ask for Adult's help.

The series has a fairly fast pace that makes it very enjoyable, and a catchy music that accompanies several moments of the elaboration of the manual works.

Dolls, puppets, jewelers ... are some of the simple ones craft proposals that make us Telmo and Tula in their cartoon series and that children from 4 or 5 years old can do at home with the help of daddies. We are already waiting for you to create your craft website!

Video: Paper crafts for kids, DIY. Telmo and Tula cartoons (July 2024).