Before applying "Estivill"

I believe that parents are primarily responsible for the health and well-being of their children, and they make decisions, even those that I do not share, thinking about the good of their children. Therefore, before applying "Estivill" I invite you to inform yourself from another point of view, to know the opinions of scientists and parents about the negative consequences of this method.

Today's parents are often exhausted and disoriented. The information they receive is not always contracted with information from another point of view.

And, in need of rest and above all worried about the idea that if your child does not sleep at a stretch and only in his room could he have insomnia, piscological problems and school failure, they start to apply a behavioral method that in Spain has been dedicated to promote Dr. Estivill, who is not a pediatrician and who should know that today there are many opinions of psychologists and neurologists against what he promulgates.

In addition to excellent dissemination works based on proven scientific studies such as the well-known "Sleeping without tears" of the psychologist Rosa Jové, the network is full of information and initiatives in which to look for the data that, knowing all the points of view, will allow us decide in a responsible and informed way.

On the Natural Parenting page, a mother has taken the effort to compile these web pages and has given me the opportunity to share her selection with our readers, so that this information can be sent to all parents who decide to read them. before applying Estivill.

Natural Parenting is an attachment parenting portal, which in addition to a store offers parenting items, conference cycles and maintains an open forum in which many families exhibit their experiences.

Sleeping without crying is a portal to let parents know about ideas and solutions to improve their baby's sleep without even letting him cry at intervals.

Estivill Method is the website of the Children's Dream Platform organization and collects information and testimonials about the problems that this method can lead to and includes a list of companies that have sponsored this method for consumers to decide whether to trust them.

To sleep without tears is the page of the book of equal title of the psychologist Rosa Jové, in which the nature of the infantile dream is explained as an evolutionary process that is not necessary to force nor to teach.

In the blog Raising with Love there is an enlightening article that tells how Ferber, the creator of the method in the United States and which almost literally inspires our Estivill, ended up recanting what he had proposed.

You can also find useful information on the Alternative Blog and on the website of the Association Criar con el Corazón.

And of course, here, in Babies and moreThere are many issues in which we talk about the nature of childhood sleep and how to respect it without interfering with behavioral solutions.

The human baby is born having the ability to develop the basic functions for his life without anyone having to teach them. Sleeping, eating, expressing their needs, are actions programmed by nature that ensure that a small human survives. He will sleep and go, gradually, evolving in his sleep patterns, being completely normal for a baby to wake up at night several times to ask for food or simply to feel close to his mother and know, well, protected. That is, it is healthy for babies to wake up at night.

When babies are born and up to four or five months, their sleep has, naturally, only two phases and that precisely favors awakenings, because those awakenings are healthy and ensure proper nutrition, hydration and emotional and even cognitive development, accompanied by physical contact with his mother, which is the way in which primates, among whom we are, sleep.

Except for some cases where there are real disorders, the vast majority of babies sleep and do not need anyone to teach them, all they need is not to be afraid and nervous every time they wake up for not being cared for.

The sleep pattern will evolve and everything we do to interfere with it is not proven to be harmless, but there are increasingly more data that suggest that an increase in stress hormones can be harmful. So for children to stop waking there is no way to be patient and learn to accompany them in the process.

So, if you have thought about using this method, I invite you to inform before applying "Estivill".

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