School calendar vs work calendar 2019: these are the holidays that your children have and you do not

We finished brand new year and finally We know what days we will have holidays in our city of residence in 2019, so we compare them with school holidays and holidays so that parents can organize those days we have to work and they don't have class.

We have analyzed the work and school calendars of Madrid and Barcelona, ​​very similar to those of the rest of the capitals of the Autonomous Communities, except Cantabria, which has a week of vacation every two months of class. We tell you which days will not have class and you will have to work.

National holidays, for children and parents

He 2019 work calendar It includes 12 holidays, of which eight are common throughout Spain according to the information published by the Official State Gazette (BOE). That means that children will not have class either.

  • April 19th (Friday): Good Friday

  • May 1st (Wednesday): Labor Party

  • August 15th (Thursday): Assumption of the Virgin

  • October 12 ° (Saturday): National Holiday of Spain

  • November 1st (Friday): All Saints

  • 6th of December (Friday): Spanish Constitution Day

  • December 25th (Wednesday): Nativity of the Lord

There are two other common holidays that fall on Sunday: January 6th (Three Kings Day) and December 8 (Immaculate Conception), so that the autonomous communities can move the celebration to the following Monday or to another day.

  • So, Monday, January 7 (by Reyes) it will be nonworking in Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Canary Islands, Castilla y León, Extremadura, Madrid, Murcia, Navarra, Ceuta and Melilla, communities that have decided to extend the Christmas holidays one more day.

  • Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Extremadura, Madrid, La Rioja and Melilla take Monday, December 9 as a holiday (moving the holiday of the Immaculate Conception).

The rest of the communities move this holiday from December 8 to other days of the year.

  • Easter week. In Catalonia and in the Valencian Community, it will be a party from Friday 19 to Monday 22 April.

  • In the Balearic Islands, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Navarra, the Basque Country and La Rioja, holidays during Holy Week will go from Thursday 18 to Monday 22.

  • In the rest (Andalusia, Asturias, Canary Islands, Extremadura, Galicia, Madrid, Murcia, Ceuta and Melilla), from Thursday 18 to Sunday 21 April.

In Babies and more 2018-2019 school calendar by Autonomous Communities: beginning, end of course and school holidays

Days of free disposal

  • To these 12 holidays of the work calendar must be added two local holidays of each city.

  • In addition, each school will have two or three non-school days called 'free disposition', which communicates to families at the beginning of each school year. These days may vary from one school to another, since each center chooses when to enjoy them.

These days should be taken into account as they force parents to look for alternatives to care for children, since they are working days. Keeping the so-called 'days of own affairs' that facilitate most companies (variable according to the collective agreement of the professional activity that is carried out) can be a good option to make these days compatible.

  • And parents of young children, who start school for the first time, also have to save some day of vacation for the call adaptation period at the beginning of the next school year.

Work and school calendars of Barcelona 2019


In the absence of knowing the 2019/2020 school calendar, which the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya will publish predictably in May-June 2019, we can only compare what remains until the end of this school year.

And to this calendar of holidays, we must add the two Holidays decided by each municipality: in Barcelona on May 21th (Fiesta Granada) and on September 24 (Fiesta de la Merced).

In addition, the three days of 'own affairs' decided by each school.

  • Christmas holidays end for schoolchildren in Barcelona on January 7, so parents find the first mismatch as soon as the year begins, as it is workable.

  • Easter week. School vacations go from April 13 to 22, both included, while work vacations will go from April 19 to 22, an important mismatch.

These are the national, regional and local holidays, shared for parents and children of Barcelona (until June 21 which is when the school year is expected to end):

  • 04/19/2019 (Friday): Good Friday

  • 04/22/2019 (Monday): Easter Monday

  • 05/01/2019 (Wednesday): Labor Party

  • 06/10/2019 (Monday): Second Easter (Easter Granada)

Work calendar January / June of Barcelona 2019


Classes end on Friday, June 21, and schoolchildren will release them enjoying their parents until Monday, June 24, when the autonomous festival of San Juan moves to that day.

Thus, taking into account these official calendars, it seems that the biggest mismatches between holidays of parents and school children occur during Holy Week and summer vacations.

School calendar January / June of Barcelona 2019

Days without school

Predictably, for the 2019/2020 academic year they will coincide, according to the work calendar:

  • 09/11/2019 (Wednesday): National Day of Catalonia

  • 09/24/2019 (Tuesday): Mercè Day

  • 10/12/2019 (Saturday): National Holiday of Spain

  • 11/01/2019 (Friday): All Saints

  • 12/06/2019 (Friday): Constitution Day

  • 12/25/2019 (Wednesday): Christmas

  • 12/26/2019 (Thursday): Sant Esteve

  • December 26 (Thursday): San Esteban.

Madrid work and school calendars 2019

The city of Madrid will have these holidays until June 2019, when the current school year ends. The calendar includes national, regional and local holidays.

  • Christmas. This year the day January 7th It is a holiday in the Community of Madrid, so we will return to work and school the same day, on January 8. Parents will not have any parties until April 18 and 19, Thursday and Good Friday, which join Saturday and Sunday.

  • Easter week. School vacations will go from April 12-22 (inclusive), so as every year we will have to look for alternatives for children since the work calendar only includes holidays April 18, 19, 20 and 21.

  • How local festivals of Madrid capital (common for parents and children): May 15, San Isidro Day and November 9 (which no longer influences the school calendar).

  • The final evaluation will be on June 7, although there will be reinforcement and support classes from June 10 to June 21, when the school year is over.

As in the last school year, the parents of the Community of Madrid have even more 'vacation' days for their children, since children who have passed all subjects are not required to attend support classes and do not have an alternative activity to be carried out, established by the Community. Each school sets its own standards and they no longer have a way of penalizing non-attendance to class, since students have already passed the final evaluation.

January / June Madrid school calendar 2019

Days without school

So, one more year it is clear that parents will have to look for alternatives to cover the school holiday periods of our children: grandparents, caregivers, camps or work vacation days for the lucky ones.

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Video: Calendar Questions from Hillsborough Schools (July 2024).