Stories of mothers: "I simply learned to love"

Today, day in which many countries of America celebrate Mother's Day, we continue with our compilation of stories about the experience of motherhood that you are sending us and that we have gathered under the title: "Stories of mothers".

The story that we bring you today is Diana's precious experience, the happy and grateful mother of Stephie and Gretchen, two beautiful girls who teach her to be a mother and to love.

When we found out that I was pregnant with Stephie, the oldest of my daughters, I remember that the only thing that my husband and I wanted was that in the blink of an eye the day of birth would come. There were so many emotions and also the questions we logically asked ourselves: if who it looked like, if it would have the color of the father's eyes, the color of the hair, if it would be blonde or brunette ... So the months went by sometimes with certain concerns, because The lady wanted to get ahead and be born sooner than expected ... Until finally the time came, the contractions began and so also the fear that something goes wrong, but thank God, she was born. She was a beautiful girl. It was a normal birth, without any complications. I still remember when we were all three in the room that the only thing my husband and I could do was look at her and start crying. My joy was so great that until today I only once experienced such happiness, and it was precisely when Gretchen, our second daughter, was born. She also wanted to get ahead, I think they are both in a hurry ... The second pregnancy, was totally different from the beginning: discomfort, dizziness, and the last two months absolute rest. There were many prohibitions that I didn't have with the first pregnancy, but it was all worth it. When the day of delivery arrived and the nerves were more intense than the first time, I think it was because they were 9 months of waiting somewhat difficult. But, again, fortunately, everything went well. A normal birth, and my beautiful fat woman was in my healthy arms, which was what we cared about all things. Today, the oldest is almost 3 years old and on May 17, the youngest is 1 year old, two days after Mother's Day, since in my country we celebrate it on 15. And I think I could not ask for a better gift. With my daughters, all I can do is thank life. I feel full. I learned to love about all things and with my princesses learning to be a mom.

All these "Stories of mothers"What you are sending us are a very beautiful reflection of the beautiful feelings of tenderness and strength that gives us being mothers. As Diana says, we learn to love.

Video: Single Mom (July 2024).