23 books to stimulate and educate children, classified by age, recommended by an expert in Montessori

Reading is basic for the development of our children and since they are young we should encourage it, reading them first, and when they have learned to do it alone, offering them the books most suited to their age.

And is that each evolutionary stage that children go through requires a series of different stimuli, and stories can be a great resource to help them discover the world, to work on certain issues that arise and to satisfy their multiple curiosities.

We have talked about this topic with Almudena Palacios, teacher, Educator in Positive Discipline, expert in the Montessori method and founder of the Viviendo Montessori website. From his extensive experience, he has recommended a series of * children's stories classified by age, according to their needs and stage of development.

In Babies and more How to learn to read with the Montessori method

To stimulate the senses (from zero to two years)

"At this age it is very important to work the senses and choose sensory books that call your attention a lot, both for sounds and textures ", Almudena advises us.

In his experience, Editorial Timunmas has two excellent book collections for this age range: one sound book collection and another of texture books. These are the titles that we recommend:


A book with six different sounds that can be heard in the natural world, and that the child will discover by simply pressing with his hands on the button. It can be purchased at Amazon for 9.45 euros.

Little animals

A book with images of the animals of our environment, their sounds and the different textures. Available on Amazon for 11.35 euros.

The instruments of the world

A beautiful book that will discover to the little ones the sounds of up to six instruments of the world, such as the mandolin or the bamboo flute. Available on Amazon for 9.45 euros.


Just by supporting their little hands, the child will discover how different means of transport sound like the car, the boat or the train. Up to six different sounds that will get your attention. Available on Amazon for 9.45 euros.


Sound book about some of the most typical childhood toys, such as dolls, xylophone and music box. The child will learn how they sound simply by pressing a button. Available on Amazon for 9.45 euros.


Textures book, with images of animals that will arouse the child's curiosity, stimulate his senses and help him build his vocabulary. You can buy it at Amazon for 7.55 euros.


A story of textures with which the child will not only stimulate his senses by caressing the texture of the different animals of the farm, but will expand his vocabulary. Available in Planet of Books for 7.95 euros.

Farm Sounds

With this story the child will discover how many animals live on a farm and the different sounds they emit. In addition, thanks to the textures of each animal, it will improve its eye-hand coordination and stimulate its senses. On Amazon for 14.20 euros.

All about me

Book with photographs for the child to learn the different parts of his body and discover through the story, and his senses, how is the world around him. It can be purchased at Planeta de Libros for 8.95 euros.

Things I learn: my first vocabulary book

Story full of illustrations so that the little ones become familiar with the first concepts: numbers, colors, shapes and animals. You can buy it on Amazon for 8.50 euros.

First 100 words

The child will enjoy opening and closing the flaps with the 100 words and images that you will find inside. A wonderful way to expand your vocabulary and stimulate learning through observation. In Planet of Books for 12.95 euros.

In Babies and moreThe 25 best books for children, classified by age

To work emotions

Depending on the age of the child, Almudena recommends two classics to work on emotions, learn to recognize them, name them and manage them.

Little Marina says no (from zero to three years)

Little Marina says "No!": "I don't want to dress", "I don't want to shake hands with Mom!" ... But finally she dresses and goes outside to play. Say yes!" It doesn't seem so bad, after all. A tender and fun book from the "Little Marina" collection, with which younger children will learn to manage their anger and the "no" stage. On Amazon for 9.50 euros.

The monster of colors (up to six years old)

A classic by Anna Llenas, from the Flamboyant Publishing House, which has great success among the little ones. From the hand of the Color Monster, children will begin to enter the fascinating language of emotions. Available on Amazon for 15.20 euros.

Emotional (from the age of five)

It is a fascinating book that serves as an itinerary through the different emotions that we humans experience. With this tool, children will grow up learning to identify any feeling and learn to control them. On Amazon for 17.10 euros.

To empower girls (from four years old)

From the age of four or five, Almudea believes that we should start talking to children about the importance of equality, as well as empowering our daughters and encouraging them to be what they wish to be. For this, we can use some resources that will be very useful, such as these books that he proposes:

Women in science

An illustrated and educational book, which highlights the contributions of fifty notable women to the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics from the ancient to the modern world. You can find it on Amazon for 23.75 euros.

Good night tales for rebel girls

Once upon a time there was a princess ... a princess? That?! Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted to reach Mars. Once upon a time there was a woman who became one of the best tennis players in the world and another who discovered how the metamorphosis of butterflies occurs. 100 stories of women who have achieved great achievements. On Amazon for 18.95 euros.

To talk about pregnancy (for all ages)

"Pregnancy is a subject recurring in children at any age, and I personally recommend a book to work with them that seems wonderful to me. This is the book "Baby pop", for real size pop up illustrations for see the evolution of the baby in the womb, something that always causes curiosity among children " - Almudena tells us.

It is written by Meritxell Marti and is from the Combel publishing house. We can find it available on Amazon for 19 euros.

To talk about physical differences (from three years)

"We are all special and different, so it is important to disassemble stereotypes and deal with the issue of physical differences naturally. This concern always ends up emerging in children, sooner or later, and working with them will help strengthen their self-esteem. " - advises the expert Montessori.

For this, there are two books that we especially recommend:

Butterfly ears

A book that explains to us, through a simple text loaded with sensitivity, like any physical characteristic can be a reason for parody among children, something that we should all fail to educate our children in tolerance. Likewise, history shows us that the characteristics that differentiate us are those that also make us unique and special.

You can find it on Amazon for 12.35 euros.

A long-haired boy

Loris is a boy with long hair who is often confused with a girl, but oblivious to criticism he wants to continue wearing it like this. Almudena recommends it for all those children with long hair who at some point have even considered cutting it because of the teasing received.

In La Casa del Libro for 11.35 euros.

To work assertiveness (from two years)

"It's fundamental teach children to say no when they feel; something that adults should even learn, because sometimes we see the "no" as something bad and we end up stressing and overworking ourselves for not having expressed our opinion at the time " - Almudena reflects.

In Babies and more How to teach assertiveness to your child (and why it is so important)

With "Learn to say no", children they will recognize, express and put into practice their emotions and feelings, thanks to the story of Ana or Javier. You can find it on Amazon for 7.41 euros.

To address the issue of death (from four years)

"Death is a very sensitive issue., but that we must deal with the children when it arises or when that doubt arises, offering them a sincere and appropriate explanation to their age. Helping us with books can be a great resource, so I recommend "Forever", a great story explained and with a very realistic vision that goes from concrete to abstract " - Almudena Palacios explains.

It can be purchased at Amazon for 12.95 euros

To treat sexuality

"Sexuality should not be taboo among children, and addressing this issue from an early age is very important so that they understand that their body is theirs and only they must decide who touches it or who does not. For preteens and teenagers, I recommend books that offer good information about it. " - recommends the expert in Montessori.

In Babies and moreNi "toto" or "colita": why it is important for children to call their genitals by name, vulva and penis

My body is mine (six to nine years old)

It is essential to teach children to say no and reject unpleasant contacts. That is why it is important that all children become aware of their emotions and their body. Only then can they set limits. On Amazon for 13.30 euros.

Questions and answers about sexuality (from nine to 12 years old)

A complete guide written in a simple and clear language that will help parents and educators to answer the questions that children are formulating, encouraging communication and trust and helping them to develop affectivity. Available on Amazon for 9.45 euros.

Photos | iStock Acknowledgments | Almudea Palacios, Montessori expert and founder of Viviendo Montessori

Emotional. Say what you feel

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The colorful monster (Tales (flamboyant))

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Butterfly ears (dream books)

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Little animals. Play and listen (Textures and sounds books)

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Good night stories for rebel girls: 100 stories of extraordinary women (Other titles)

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Women of Science (Illustrated)

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The Little Navy Says No (DUDU BOOKS)

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Toys. My first book of sounds (Books with sound)

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Farm Sounds: My First Textures and Sounds Book

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Video: Kindergarten. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).