Children laugh about 20 times more than adults

When people grow up they reach adulthood leaving childhood and adolescence behind. This makes being children only a memory for many and that with childhood a good dose of joy also goes away.

Surely this happens because as we grow, problems also grow with us and where there was hardly any worries and where everything was game and enjoy now there is little time for it and too much to be busy and worried.

All of this makes it possible to realize that children laugh about 20 times more than adults. They are able to laugh up to 300 times over a day and we do it about 15 times.

The funny thing is that they do it because they feel it, without knowing how beneficial laughter is for health and we, who have the theory, that we know that laughter is almost a medicine and that we know the existence of courses and Laughter therapy seminars, we use it much less.

Among the known benefits it is known that laughter is a powerful antidepressant, because it generates a positive mental state, which helps lower blood pressure and releases endorphins that help us feel fuller and more satisfied with ourselves, which helps reduce shyness and provides confidence and objectivity when solving problems and that In people with terminal illnesses the quality of life improves by up to 40%.

Once again, we must look back and remember that we were also children to try to recover some of that joy that we have left along the way. So maybe we are more patient people, less grumbling and happier with our lives. Once again, children have something to teach us, grown ups smarty.

Video: The Laughter Specialist. Scott Williams: "Why kids laugh more than adults" (July 2024).