The world's most premature baby has come forward

There is almost no life expectancy for babies born before 22 weeks of gestation, however these little great fighters who come to the world abruptly often manage to surprise us. The most premature baby in the world, a German girl born at 21 weeks and 5 days, has come forward and he is already at home with his parents.

Frieda was born on November 7 with 28 centimeters and 460 grams of weight. Although babies with lower weight have been born and have survived, she is the baby with less gestational age who has managed to get ahead without any risk of sequelae, at least for the moment.

The little girl had a twin brother who died a few days after birth, while she has remained in the hospital for five and a half months in a totally aseptic environment, with respiratory assistance and being fed by the navel until she reached 3.5 kilos of weight and 50 centimeters. According to doctors, the girl will develop normally like any other baby.

There are more and more extreme premature babies who manage to get ahead, with minimal sequelae or even without sequelae as Frieda's case. But unfortunately there are many other cases with less luck that do not come to light.

The percentage of survival of those born before 24 weeks of gestation is only 10 percent. Among the main difficulties faced by these children are the immaturity of their lungs, the difficulty in regulating body temperature and the poor ability to assimilate food from the digestive system, as well as severe complications such as intracranial hemorrhages, anemia or infections.

In the case of getting ahead, it is most likely that there are sequelae such as respiratory complications, psychomotor, speech delay and hearing problems, among others.

Frieda has challenged all statistics and with just 21 weeks and 5 days of gestation, which makes it the world's most premature baby has managed to get ahead. We can imagine the anguish that their parents will have gone through, but fortunately the story has had a happy ending.