Dads and moms blogs (LXVI)

Today, as every week, we bring you a review with some outstanding content that we have been able to read this week in moms and dads blogs, in a virtual tour of other looks and experiences with babies and children, of those who have children or wish to have them.

Your encounter with motherhood It is a blog about the conscious raising of children in which its author, Dara, has much to tell. His reflections on motherhood and his five children give body to this space, and these days are precisely his children, his great work, which reminds him why he is satisfied with his role in this life.

Dr. Khomeini's blog, which welcomes us to the dark side of the operating room, he tells us these days of hairs and signs, in a very funny entry about how the beauty mysteries of moms are spread to the four winds by young children.

Estherqp tells us in Raise the flight (The adventure of learning as a family) that they are putting into practice a new way of learning English, in the kitchen, with very practical classes while preparing food.

Those of us who keep special toys will understand what Marcos tells us in PixarSpain, a blog with all the news about Pixar, about whether to leave those toys for our children's exhibition or fun, because some treasure may end up in the trash ...

Mateo's mom echoes the presentation of a new work of which we have also spoken, "A new motherhood" (Reflections of women in the Network) and that promises an interesting vision of motherhood grown in this environment that surrounds us, unites and echoes on many occasions, the Internet.

"When grandchildren and grandparents become great allies" is the suggestive subtitle of this blog that I discover today. Ana Bergua and Carme Sala are authors of a book and the blog that bears the same title, Grandma needs kisses, and now they give us the opportunity to present our grandparents or grandmothers in a beautiful file to complete that we can download in Catalan or Spanish.

Finally, we recommend the Special on Road Education for children that continues to bring interesting content on the blog Safe Circle. This week they give us advice to walk with the children in the street in a safe way, establishing good habits of road education since they were little.

This has been ours this week's tour of dad and moms blogs. We hope to continue diving in this interesting ocean of experiences and different perspectives to motherhood and fatherhood, to pregnancy and childhood, to share and learn with all of you.

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