A mother discovers tips for children about suicide in YouTube Kids videos

Imagine you are with your young child watching a children's video on YouTube Kids, and suddenly the video is cut for a few seconds and an inserted clip appears starring a person instructing children on how to commit suicide. Terrifying, right?

Well, this is what a North American pediatrician mother, author of the PediMom blog, witnessed a few months ago. His complaint, both in his social networks and in the newspaper The Washington Post, has run like wildfire and once again we ask again: Do we really know what our children see on the Internet?

"Did I really just see what I've seen?"

That was the incredulous question Free Hess asked himself when a man appeared in a clip inserted in the middle of the children's video he was watching with his son. Everything happened very fast, but on the scene, the youtuber gave precise instructions to children on how to commit suicide cutting his wrists

In WATmag, a mother finds videos on YouTube Kids with tips on suicide

This is explained by the woman in a post she wrote on the blog, PediMom:

"Four minutes and forty-five seconds from the video, a man walked quickly to the screen, extended his arm and taught the children how to commit suicide. What did I just see? Did I really just see that? I immediately turned off the video."

"(...) Already in private, I investigated the video again (...) There it was. Four minutes and forty-five seconds after the children's video, the man quickly enters the scene, extends his arm and says:" Children, remember, do it in this way to get attention and in this other way to get results, "and then quickly walks away."

The sinister video was quickly reported by this mother, who also deleted the YouTube Kids app from family devices. And although the platform responded by removing the content, there were several parents who have since been denouncing similar clips.

A few days ago, the same doctor again echoed the situation, although this time not on YouTube Kids. Before reporting it, the pediatrician he recorded it with his mobile phone and spread it on his social networks, in order to alert all parents about this type of content.

This is a cartoon on @YouTube. At 4.44 secs a man is spliced ​​in showing children how to properly slit their wrists. #thisisnotok #protectourkids #parentsdemandaction. Link to full video and to report in comments. pic.twitter.com/ur1xVpLoqR

- PediMom, Dr. Free N. Hess (@thepedimom) February 15, 2019

The Washington Post has published a YouTube statement, expressing their desire to continue working to improve their systems and eliminate violent content as quickly as possible.

Do we know what our children really see on the Internet?

It is not the first time that YouTube faces complaints from parents for show misleading child content in your videos. A year ago, we echoed cartoons of well-known animation characters that were not really what they seemed, as they promoted grotesque and violent content not suitable for children.

In Babies and more Do you know what your children are seeing right now on the net? A shocking (and creepy) campaign

In this specific case, the pediatrician responsible for giving the alarm has wanted to focus on the seriousness of the situation, as suicide is the third cause of death in the United States in people between ten and 24 years, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

For the little ones, being exposed to this type of videos can be very dangerous, because although they probably do not understand the message behind them, they could try to harm themselves by simple curiosity.

Although lately Youtube is reinforcing its security policies To clean inappropriate content and avoid the publication of dangerous viral challenges, this new controversy has splashed the company, and comes to join another complaint related to the pedophilia that is making great advertisers flee.

That is why, despite the reinforcements of this platform and the parental controls that we apply, we once again insist on the importance of educating our children in the responsible use of ICT, as well as all aspects that must be taken into account when it comes to social networks or to open a YouTube channel.

Photos | Genbeta

In Genbeta | Discover hidden tips on how to commit suicide on YouTube Kids videos

In Wat Mag | A mother finds videos on YouTube Kids with tips on suicide

Video: Suicide Tips Seen In Kids' YouTube Videos (July 2024).