The viral discourse of a teenager about our obsolete educational model, and his proposals to change it

Than our education system is anchored in the past, is something we have talked about on numerous occasions. Today's school, as stated, kills the creativity of children and their enthusiasm for learning, and although there are more and more professionals who are committed to change, the truth is that there is still a long way to go.

Álvaro Sánchez is a youtuber teenager from Zaragoza, whose speech on Current educational model and its proposals to improve it The networks are revolutionizing: "That is normal does not mean that it is the best nor what is most convenient", he says in reference to the education of our country.

In a video recorded and broadcast by a colleague of his on his YouTube channel, Álvaro explains the demotivation that students feel when they reach the ESO cycle and the changes he proposes to successfully train the workers of the future.

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Álvaro begins by asking his classmates "What is education for?", and they all conclude that it is necessary to work in the future. But for this teenager, the education children receive in schools does not adapt to the demands of companies and society, so it is urgent to change the educational model.

"To work in the future, we will be required to have very different skills than what we learn in class. We will be asked for creativity, leadership, ability to work in a team ...", he reflects.

For this teenager, the derivatives, syntax or memorization are useless things that are taught in school but are not useful for life. Cooking and nutrition, sex education, family economy, entrepreneurship, self-sufficiency, values ​​... are, instead, fundamental aspects that are overlooked in the education offered in schools.

Your educational proposals

Although he is only 17 years old, Álvaro is very clear about what would change the current educational model. And as a student, he knows firsthand what demotivation means and lack of interest for learning.

And to show it graphically to their peers, it resembles Primary School children with a growing tree:

"When a child starts Primary it is like a tree full of branches that symbolize your concerns, your doubts, your questions... (...) When he asks questions, he does it because something motivates him, he seeks to find his passion and achieve a goal "

"But when the Primary ends, the tree is withered. It has no leaves, no fruits ... The goal of the student is now answer questions to pass an exam. Something must be done so that when the student starts ESO it is an even bigger tree, with more concerns and fruits "- he reflects.

Therefore, and in order to prevent that tree from wilting, Álvaro proposes the following measures:

  • That education is only free, eliminating the private option. In this way, he considers that students from all walks of life will learn to live together, to respect and teach each other.

  • It proposes to create an independent body formed by professors and professionals from the labor world that control the education system. For Alvaro it makes no sense that the government directs educationn, and that the rules change every four years depending on the political party on duty.

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  • Advocate dynamic classes that sow in children the desire to learn (reason), and not to study (memorize). In addition, it is essential to reduce class schedules so that children have more free time that allows them to play and develop as people.

  • Also bet on eliminate the exams and grades in the Primary stage, as he demotivates the student, they label him as a good or bad student, and teach him to compete with his classmates instead of working as a team.

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  • He considers it important that the children attend the entire Primary stage, or at least practically all, with the same tutor that accompanies him, grow with him and help him to develop his full potential.

  • And finally, Álvaro denounces the lack of educational options which students face: o sciences or letters. "Why not also art or music?", he asks.

Is Álvaro's proposal an unreal model?

Something is failing in the Spanish education system. The PISA report data and the high dropout rate say it, but what can be done to turn this situation around?

For a long time there are many voices that speak of the need for an urgent change in education that eliminates certain subjects and empowers others, fosters the critical thinking of students, work on projects and in teams, and the possibility that children can develop their full potential.

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Personally, I consider some of Álvaro's proposals to improve education essential, but others do not share them 100%, such as the issue of self-reliance and many other subjects that, although it is not too much that they are taught in schools , I think It is essential that they work from the family environment.

I do believe, on the other hand, that you should bet on dynamic classes and group work, give a greater educational offer to students, and enhance subjects related to the arts (dance, painting, music ...), which are not only the great forgotten in educational matters but also are not usually well valued.

But for these and other proposals to be carried out, many things have to change, and it is difficult to happen suddenly. For now, from home and in schools (with teachers involved and willing to change the system) we can make small changes that make a difference.

Photos | iStock, Pixabay

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