Deficiencies in road education in Spanish children

From Circula Seguro, the road safety blog, we get the data on the "suspense" in road education of Spanish children, an important issue that all families should worry about.

FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE has revealed the real level of road safety of Spanish schools in its report 'Education in Values ​​for Road Safety', in which it has been seen that only three out of ten children approve on this issue.

The majority of the children surveyed, with ages ranging from five years to 13, do not usually cross the crosswalks, pass the red traffic lights, play on the road or on the sidewalks and leave the car without Look if other vehicles are coming.

As usual, the role of parents is decisive, we are their model (and as such we will have to comply with the norms and have a civic behavior in this area as well) and those who have to teach them from the very least the most important road safety issues.

In this sense, it is interesting to verify that 74% of parents do not wear a seat belt, as their own children have in class. In addition, 45% of parents do not know certain basic traffic rules related to topics such as overtaking cyclists, maximum speed in residential areas or pedestrian obligations ...

The conclusions of the report also highlight that, if collaboration between families and schools were improved when carrying out activities related to Road Safety, the level of knowledge would improve substantially.

FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE has prepared for the fifth consecutive year a program of innovative school activities to favor the systematic work of Road Safety in the classroom, from Infant to Secondary.

Some keys to improve road safety for children and young people in their usual journeys they are: use the seat belt and child restraint systems, learn to cross the street, monitor when leaving the car, accommodate bags, wallets and backpacks in the trunk, behave properly on the bus or drive in bike responsibly.

Video: Is Your Child Getting Enough Vitamin N? (July 2024).